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The Tycoon's Delicious Distraction

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She already knew she was sensitive to his touch—that had been highlighted by her spontaneous climax when he’d kissed her breasts earlier. Now, as Kit gasped her pleasure into his mouth, the sensation that poured through her was akin to riding a wave whose natural destiny was to join the falls that plunged over a cliff edge into a crystal-clear sun-kissed ocean. It was the most exhilarating ride she had ever experienced, and it was everything she’d dreamed it would be. Her heart had never beaten so hard or so fast with excitement.

Even as she stilled breathlessly Hal held her tightly against him. Once more his narrow athletic hips rocked against her smooth inner thighs and his rhythmic thrusts grew deeper and more purposeful. The helpless shout he released as his desire reached its peak echoed round the room. Apart from their preoccupied presence the air was almost preternaturally still. Just as if it had been waiting for their breathless sighs of pleasure and satisfaction to fill it.

Seeing a muscle in the side of her lover’s lean, carved face suddenly flinch, Kit eased herself up, her heartbeat accelerating for an entirely different reason.

‘Are you all right? Have I leant too hard on your leg and hurt it? Tell me, Hal...I need to know.’

Even as she carefully disengaged her body from his and moved to lie next to him he straight away hauled her back against his chest and drove his hands through her hair.

‘Stop worrying about me and let me tell you how amazing that was—how utterly delicious and gorgeous you are.’

‘It’s my job to be concerned about you, Hal.’

He raised a lightly mocking eyebrow. ‘Does that mean you wouldn’t worry about me unless you were being paid to?’

A mortifying wave of heat assailed her. In her mind Kit couldn’t help privately cursing her inability to relax right then and say what she really wanted to say—that she cared for him more than she’d ever cared for anyone before and that it scared her, that she hated the idea of him being in pain and wished that it was somehow in her power to spare him the hurt.

‘Of course it doesn’t. When I saw you wince then I was just concerned that we might have put too much strain on your femur and maybe damaged it even more.’

With a soft chuckle Hal slid his hand beneath her delicate jaw and gazed deeply into her eyes. ‘Don’t you know that what we just did helped me feel the best that I’ve felt in a very long time? I mean it. Not just because it was great sex...and it was...but because you’re a genuinely compassionate and caring woman and I’m so pleased that I’ve met you, Kit.’

She’d never been remotely easy with receiving compliments and now she found out that it was even harder receiving them from Hal. It was hard because it really mattered to have his good opinion.

‘Thank you. It’s very sweet of you to say so.’

His lips hitched in a rueful grimace. ‘Sweet? I can honestly say that no-one’s ever accused me of being that before.’

‘Not even your mother when you were a little boy?’

In a flash his expression darkened. ‘My mother left when Sam and I were kids. I have no memory of her ever calling me anything endearing or anything else, for that matter. Shall we change the subject?’

Kit was mortified that she’d inadvertently hurt him with her remark. ‘I’m sorry I said that. I didn’t know.’

Taking a deep breath in, Hal sighed, ‘Of course you didn’t—how could you? And how could I possibly be offended because you’ve stumbled on a subject that you weren’t even aware might be awkward for me?’ His gaze was distant and reflective for a moment, but it wasn’t long before he returned his attention to Kit and smiled. ‘One day I might tell you a bit more about my tale of woe, but not right now.’ His strong arms encircled her waist. ‘The only thing I want to do right now is hold you and breathe you in. I love that scent you’re wearing...what’s it called? It smells very natural.’

‘It is natural. It’s just me. I’ve never had any cause to wear scent to bed.’

‘And you don’t have one now, sweetheart. I love the fact that the alluring perfume I can detect on your skin is purely your own natural scent. You know what? I want to fall asleep with you beside me tonight, Kit. Will you stay with me until the morning? If it’s any incentive, I promise you I don’t snore.’

‘Even if you did I’d probably just grin and bear it because you’re so hunky,’ she teased.

‘You think so?’

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