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The Tycoon's Delicious Distraction

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Beneath his shadowed complexion she saw him colour.

‘I confess it’s not the first time I’ve been called that. The tabloids use the word with monotonous regularity to describe me when they’re spouting some spurious story about some model or soap starlet they want to portray as being linked with me. It gets a little tiresome, to tell you the truth. The phrase “Hunky Hal Treverne” makes me feel more like a stereotype than a person. Although I have to say the description sounds much more complimentary coming from you, sweetheart.’

‘Oh...’ Kit couldn’t help feeling a little defensive at his comment that the tabloid press used the word with ‘monotonous regularity’. Did he think that was where she had got it from? If he did, then it didn’t suggest she had much discernment.

It hit a particularly sensitive nerve to be inadvertently reminded that she wasn’t as well-educated as a lot of women her age, who’d perhaps gone on to university when they’d left school. In truth, it was one of the big regrets of her life. As for reading the tabloids—she didn’t give them the time of day. She’d probably seen the more salacious headlines about Hal on the internet...not because she’d deliberately sought them out but because along with other celebrity gossip they’d flashed up on the site she used to check her e-mail from time to time.

But his comment also reminded her that not only was he an educated man himself but also the son of landed gentry, and suddenly the jolting realisation made Kit’s heart sink like a stone. If their lovemaking had lulled her even for a second into believing the improbable fantasy that they might go on to enjoy a real relationship then she’d best dissuade herself of such an idea as quickly as possible. Hadn’t she promised herself she’d never go down the same soulless destructive path with men as her mother had? She’d already made one unfortunate mistake in trusting a man.

Hal Treverne was destined to marry a woman from his own privileged class—not someone like Kit, just an ordinary working class girl, whose father had been a Romany gypsy who had abandoned her mother when he’d found out she was pregnant. Sooner or later Hal would wake up to the fact she wasn’t in his league and no doubt regret bedding her. The thought that he wouldn’t think that their intimacy was anything special as time went by almost made her want to weep.

Because she’d suddenly fallen silent, Hal looked concerned. The softly diffused lighting streaming in through the partially opened door highlighted his compelling gaze, made his irises glint like gold.

‘What’s wrong? You’ve suddenly gone quiet on me.’

As she tried to tidy the now crumpled silk chemise so that it covered her a bit more, Kit’s smile was tremulous. ‘I don’t think I will spend the night with you, if you don’t mind? I need to be up early to see to a few things...’

‘What things are those?’

‘Well, I—I need to make a shopping list, and also figure out menus for the day.’

‘If that means you can’t spend the night with me then we’ll simply order in some food instead. Didn’t my sister tell you that your main priority should be meeting my needs?’

‘You are the priority...of course you are...but—’

‘I don’t like the sound of that “but”,’ Hal commented, sounding a bit more than vaguely irritated. ‘Go on.’

‘It probably wasn’t a very good getting together like, this I mean.’

‘Are you saying that you regret it?’ Now his expression was seriously perturbed.

She coloured a little. ‘Not the experience—no. It’s just that—well, it could make our day-to-day relationship rather awkward. It’s still going to be quite a while before you can get around completely unaided and, like you said, your needs have to take priority. Anything that detracts from that wouldn’t be good. Perhaps it might be best if you contacted the agency and asked for someone else to come in and help you? Someone more impartial than I’m able to be now.’

‘Stop it. Stop this nonsense right this minute.’

The scowl on his handsome face was nothing less than formidable, and Kit’s pulse skittered in alarm.

‘I promised you that whatever happened between us it wouldn’t jeopardise your job, and I meant it. If you think I’ve changed my mind then you’re crazy. Just because I desire you it doesn’t mean that I don’t need your help any more. And I don’t want someone else from the damn agency. All I want is you.’

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