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Required to Wear the Tycoon's Ring

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She headed off to the bedroom, where she kept her personal files. When she returned and handed him the necessary documents Seth didn’t hide his relief. He slipped them into the inside pocket of his flawless silk-lined jacket.

Then, taking up the conversation where they’d left off, he said, ‘I’ll book dinner at the Dorchester for us tomorrow night. I’ll pick you up at around seven to take you to the restaurant, and once we’re there we can discuss things in more depth and start to get to know each other. Do you have anything suitable to wear? If you don’t, I’ll get something delivered to you.’

The inside of Imogen’s mouth turned ever drier. She had never worn a really expensive outfit in her life. Outside work, vintage and secondhand clothing was more her thing. And Seth was taking her to the Dorchester. It was known to be one of the most revered hotels in the world.

Desperately trying to make sense of it all, she knew her smile was shaky. ‘You don’t even know what size I am.’

Lifting an amused eyebrow, he let those sapphire-blue eyes matter-of-factly appraise her figure. ‘I’m pretty good at making an assessment. Leave it to me.’

‘If your choice doesn’t work out I can always wear the dress I bought to wear at my wedding reception. It’s still hanging untouched in my wardrobe.’

Straight away, she saw that he didn’t find the suggestion remotely acceptable—anything but.

‘I don’t think a reminder of what your ex did to you would be a good way of starting our you?’

She was immediately chastened. Her skin had heated as though she were sitting beneath a raging sunlamp. ‘I was trying to be ironic. Never mind. I’ll expect to see you tomorrow at seven.’

‘You’ll need shoes to go with the outfit. What size do you wear?’

‘I’m a five.’

‘That’s all I need to know for now. In the meantime, I’d like to try to dispel any awkwardness between us now, rather than leave it until later when our plans are underway. Why don’t you come over here?’


‘Take a risk and find out.’

As if compelled by some otherworldly force, she obliged. When Seth put his hand on her shoulder for a startling couple of seconds she was acquainted with the sensuous touch of his silkily warm flesh against hers. She couldn’t suppress a gasp.

‘Please forgive the liberty...’ he breathed softly, and gently adjusted the material of the same sweater she’d worn yesterday because the shoulder had gone awry again.

Ever since he’d put his proposal to her she’d been dazed—too dazed to think about what to wear—and she had grabbed the first thing that had come to hand this morning. Glancing up at him, she started to say that it wasn’t a problem, and immediately tried to engineer some distance between them.

But before she could slip out of his grasp he bent his head towards hers. Startled, Imogen knew that he was going to kiss her... When his mouth gently but firmly touched hers, she learned that even his lips tasted luxurious. Everything about the man was exclusive and expensive, and she was already in way over her head, succumbing to his charm, intensely focused and aware.

Time seemed to thicken and slow down. The thought came to her that if she’d ever wondered what it would be like to be thoroughly seduced by a master of the art she’d just been given a delicious taster...

* * *

Even before he kissed Imogen, Seth guessed he would be entranced by the touch of that sultry mouth beneath his and he was right. Although he’d been annoyed with her for not accepting his proposal straight away, all was now forgotten because she’d finally said yes.

What was more surprising was that any residual doubts he might have had completely fled as he touched his lips to hers. Now he realised that if they hit it off sexually it couldn’t help but make their partnership all the more sweet.

But even as he had the thought his well-honed instinct for survival kicked in. It had long been part of the essential armour that protected him. It didn’t matter how much he wanted to trust Imogen, he couldn’t afford to let down his guard. He’d be a fool if he did.

Carefully withdrawing his lips, he smiled. He also shouldn’t forget that she’d been well and truly taken to the cleaners by her ex-fiancé, and he didn’t want her to think that he might be similarly unscrupulous.

‘That was nice...’ he murmured.

Briefly touching his hand to her incredibly soft cheek, he stepped away. Imogen grimaced. Her unsure expression suggested that she regretted the unexpected intimacy they’d just shared. Her next comment confirmed it.

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