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Required to Wear the Tycoon's Ring

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‘I had assumed that this partnership wouldn’t involve any intimacy between us...that it would be purely for convenience?’

Seth stared at her. ‘All I will say to that, Imogen, is why don’t we just wait and see how things unfold? I certainly wouldn’t expect you to be intimate with me if you didn’t want that, too.’

‘I’m glad we’re clear about that, then.’

‘Good. Now, let me give you my mobile number so you can ring me if you need anything.’ He opened his wallet and gave her his business card. ‘I’d better go.’ Heading towards the door, he glanced over his shoulder, adding, ‘If you’ve never been to the Dorchester before, I know you’re going to love it.’

* * *

Stepping into the prestigious West End showroom of which he’d just become the new owner, it was once more brought home to Seth why he loved the cars on display so much. Every time he set eyes on a Lamborghini his stomach flipped as if he’d just completed a one-hundred-and-fifty-degree roll in a stunt plane. They weren’t just classy. With their sleek lines, flawless bodywork and powerful engines, they oozed excitement. He still thought it a privilege to drive one, let alone to be the owner of several.

The manager, a good-looking Italian called Paolo Bellucci, who had flown out to New York to be interviewed by Seth for the post, immediately came over to greet him.

‘Ciao, Signor Broden. Welcome to your new showroom. I trust you are happy to be home again in the UK?’

They shook hands and Seth affirmed that he was. For the first time since he’d been back on British soil he found that he honestly meant it.

‘Can I invite you into the office to enjoy a cup of real Italian coffee and meet the rest of the staff?’ Paolo asked.

Seth was pleased to oblige. Their simple little exchange had made him feel at home. Good customer service had been one of the cornerstones of his success, and he was always pleased to note it from anyone else.

But that wasn’t the only thing that made him feel glad. Tonight he would be meeting Imogen to take her out to dinner. And he hadn’t forgotten the visit to the exclusive fashion house he’d arranged.

A frisson of pleasure shivered through him as he thought about what kind of dress might complement her charming figure. He’d already decided it would be a dress and not a trouser suit. It would highlight her femininity. But whatever the outfit he chose, he knew that her glossy brown eyes and pretty face would undoubtedly enhance it.

In the plush furnished office, a young assistant was despatched to bring Seth and the new manager their coffee.

When he returned with the beverages, Paolo smiled and said, ‘I taught him how to make it myself.’

Freeing the button on his single-breasted pinstriped jacket, Seth sat back in the comfortable leather chair and relaxed. ‘Any small touches that make the customer feel important are always an asset,’ he remarked.

The other man nodded in agreement. ‘If anyone knows how to give the customer what they want, it’s you, Signor Broden. Your success in the industry speaks for itself. You epitomise everything about these cars. Frank Sinatra was once quoted as saying, “You buy a Ferrari when you want to be somebody. You buy a Lamborghini when you are somebody.” It must be very gratifying to know that.’

Seth frowned. Once upon a time such a quote would undoubtedly have stroked his ego, but he was long past the stage when that alone gave him any real satisfaction. He wanted the chance to be accepted into the elite fraternity in Ash’s father’s kingdom that his friend had talked about, and that was because it felt like a final frontier he had to cross.

To be accepted by a seriously important man like the sheikh would be high honour indeed. Maybe then the incessant desire to prove himself as being as good as anybody else and be accepted would finally start to ease. In the meantime he would concentrate on finding a different sort of satisfaction in something more meaningful. His priorities were starting to change.

As if he intuited what he was thinking, Paolo commented, ‘No doubt your wife is also enjoying being back in England?’

Firming his lips, Seth reached for his coffee. ‘I’m not married.’ Before he tasted the inviting cappuccino, he added, ‘But I intend to be very soon.’

‘Complimenti. Congratulations. Who is the lucky signorina?’

‘Her name is Imogen. But please don’t talk to anyone from the press about it. The lady is somewhat shy, and I’d like to ensure her privacy for as long as I can.’

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