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Required to Wear the Tycoon's Ring

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Imogen’s heart thundered inside her chest. They hadn’t taken precautions when they’d made love, and they’d been intimate many times since the wedding, so she shouldn’t be surprised that the subject had come up. If Seth was all for the idea, then nothing would please her more than to have his children—but to raise them in this house...? She owned to feeling uneasy about that.

‘I would love us to have a family, Seth, I really would. But I’m not sure I could be happy living here.’

His dark brows drew together in surprise. ‘Why not? You haven’t even had a proper look round yet.’

Twisting her hands together in her lap, she knew her glance couldn’t hide her misgivings. ‘There are too many ghosts here.’

‘You’re letting your imagination run away with you.’

‘No, I’m not.’ Imogen sucked in a steadying breath. ‘I’m not talking about the traditional kind of ghosts that haunt old buildings and show up in horror stories. I’m talking about the psychological ghosts of Louisa and her family. You’re already haunted by them, and now you want us to start our new life together in what was once their home.’

A flash of frustration crossed Seth’s vivid blue eyes. ‘I’m not haunted by them...not anymore. I’ve laid all my ghosts from the past to rest. I’m simply looking at the house as an asset, Imogen, that’s all. We need somewhere to live and we’ve got this place readymade. I’d be a fool to turn my back on it and sell it to somebody else, and I haven’t made a success of my business by not capitalising on my advantages.’

‘And it wouldn’t remind you of Louisa to live here?’

‘I hardly even set foot in the place when she was here. Her father didn’t think me good enough.’

‘But you’ve got some painful memories of your dealings here, haven’t you? Can you really forget about them so easily? Do you think a fresh coat of paint and some smart new furniture is enough to permanently dim the memories?’

Seth stared back into the deep brown eyes he so loved and scowled. He knew she had a point. Perhaps it wouldn’t be as easy as he’d thought to banish his past associations with the house if they lived there. But what was wrong with at least giving it a try? Practicalities aside, they needed somewhere to move into sooner rather than later—because as comfortable as it was, the luxurious hotel he was staying in wasn’t a home. And right now Seth yearned to have a home of his own with his wife...

‘I’m not saying it has to be for good. But we can at least move in temporarily until we find somewhere else. Please think about it, Imogen.’

‘Even a temporary move might prove to be too painful. And I don’t mean just for you, Seth, but for me, too.’

‘I don’t understand...’

‘No? Then, why don’t you take some time to think it over? In the meantime I’ll go back to my flat and check that I haven’t forgotten anything. You don’t have to give me a lift. It’s a lovely day and the walk will do me good.’ Opening the passenger door, she got out of the car.

Stunned and aggrieved, Seth could hardly believe his eyes. It honestly disturbed him that he didn’t understand her feelings. What did she mean by saying it would be too painful for her to move into the manor? She hadn’t even known Louisa.

He sat in the car for a long time after she’d left. Then he got out and walked across to the house. Letting himself in, he stepped inside the cavernous hall. The place seemed bright and airy, with the sun streaming through the windows, but he wasn’t completely reassured.

The powerful memory of James Siddons not accepting him, making him feel worthless on that fateful day when he’d come to ask for his daughter’s hand in marriage, hit him like a tidal wave. He was genuinely shocked that the memory was still so vivid. But it was hard to forget being put down when he was so young. It would always linger somewhere in his psyche and catch him unawares should he ever feel remotely vulnerable.

Yet he knew that if he didn’t take steps to try to change that his past would always haunt him. With Imogen by his side, he was certain he could create new and happier memories, and would soon forget his past sorrows. It was like being given the most priceless gift. He realised that his attention was now firmly on the present, and on his hopes for making the best life imaginable with his beautiful new wife. It would be Seth’s lifelong mission to make Imogen happy and thrilled as he was that she was the woman he loved. The only woman he would ever love from now on...

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