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Required to Wear the Tycoon's Ring

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He took one last look round and then firmly closed the door. Even before he reached the car it came to him just why Imogen hadn’t taken to the idea of living at the manor. Whilst he still hoped to win her round about that, he could hardly wait to get back to her flat and share his realisation with her...

* * *

Before Imogen unpacked she decided to take a quick shower. Beneath the hot, invigorating spray, she mulled over the events of the day, feeling tense at the idea that Seth still didn’t know why she should be so unsure about his suggestion to live at the manor.

After all, it was the kind of house that most ordinary people could only fantasise about living in. To his mind, it probably didn’t make sense that she wouldn’t want to live there. No matter what changes had come about he was still pragmatic—a man who utilised his advantages—and he had told her more than once that his practice was not to involve his emotions. That most definitely wasn’t the case as far as his relationship with her was concerned, but her reasons for not wanting to live at the impressive Gothic house were mostly emotional ones.

Sighing, she knew she shouldn’t worry so much about sharing her feelings with him. Didn’t he often tell her—not just tell her but show her—how much he loved and adored her? That being the case, they would be able to come to an amicable conclusion about the manor, she was sure...

After finishing drying herself, she pulled on her bathrobe. She’d just turned on the hairdryer when someone banged on the door. It had to be Seth. Barefoot, and naked under her robe, she dashed into the hallway to see if she was right. The shadowy outline outside the door’s glass panels confirmed that she was.

‘You weren’t as long as I thought you’d be,’ she declared with a smile. No matter what her feelings about the house, she knew she couldn’t remain at odds with him about it for long. She just loved the man too much.

Stepping inside, Seth immediately pulled her into his arms. ‘Are you naked under this robe?’ he challenged huskily.

‘I am. I’ve just had a shower.’

‘Have you, indeed? Then you have to pay the price.’

‘What price is that, exactly?’ Endeavouring to look demure, Imogen pouted.

‘Come into the bedroom and you’ll find out.’

‘Before we do that, will you tell me what you’ve decided to do about the manor?’

At the side of Seth’s chiselled jaw a muscle flinched, and suddenly he looked serious again. ‘We need to talk about that. Will you listen to what I’ve got to say?’

‘Of course.’

Imogen was on tenterhooks as they returned to the living room. Dropping down onto the couch, she fastened the belt of her robe a little tighter round her waist.

‘I think I’ve figured out why you aren’t enamoured about living there.’


As he lowered himself down beside her Seth’s gaze was candid. ‘You didn’t want either of us to be constantly reminded of Louisa and to have it impinge on our happiness. But in all honesty it wouldn’t. It turns out that it was the memory of her father that troubled me the most. He thought himself superior to anyone who wasn’t from the same class as him and, as I told you before, he could hardly wait to let me know that I wasn’t good enough. How could I be when I came from the “wrong” side of town? You might find it hard to believe, but even after all these years, and having made a success of my career, I’ve never forgotten the taunts he threw at me. That’s why I bought the house. I wanted to get back at him and prove that I wasn’t just good enough...I was better.’

‘And has it helped you to do that?’

‘When I went back there today, and went inside, I confess the memory of him was sharper than I’d realised, and at first it didn’t help. But thinking things over and taking the emotion out of it—’ his lips shaped an ironic smile ‘—I also realised that that could change. Not by my walking away from the painful memories associated with the house, but by changing them into better ones. I can’t do that on my own, Imogen, but with you by my side I feel like anything is possible.’

She felt so many emotions all at once that she scarcely knew how to voice them. But as soon as she was caught in the beam of Seth’s loving gaze she said simply, ‘Do you know just how much I love you?’

He lifted his arm to glance teasingly down at his Rolex. ‘I’m hoping that in a very short time you’ll leave me in no doubt and show me. But first I want to know if you’ll consider moving into the manor with me and making it our home.’

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