Mended (Lucian & Lia #3) - Page 18

I look him up and down before asking, “You’re going like that? Aren’t you afraid they’ll assume you’re the one after her?”

He ignores my jab at his appearance. “I called her this morning to see what time she wanted me to pick her up and she told me that she just can’t do that to him. She wanted me to come over so we could talk about it. I was actually going to do just that when it hit me. She’s playing me. When I bailed her out of jail the last time, the cops said Jake was terrified of her. They had a big laugh over the whole thing. Said he was screaming for them to keep her away from him. So, why would he have suddenly gotten up the nerve to piss her off further? It just doesn’t make sense at all.”

I shake my head, unable to believe he’s sitting here saying something so unbelievably stupid. She’s completely done some kind of mind-fuck on him. “Man, you need to get it together. Double-check to make sure Jake isn’t actually bothering her, which I highly doubt, and then either jump or cut ties.”

“Jump or cut ties?” he asks. “What in the hell does that mean?”

I resist the urge to roll my eyes. Aidan would pick up on that in a minute. I forget that Max takes things more literally than Aidan. “It means that you’re obviously attracted to Rose. Either embrace all of that crazy and see where it leads or walk away. You and I both know that if you wanted her out of your life, she would have already been gone.”

Max gives me a disgusted look before snapping, “For fuck’s sake, Luc, I’m not the Godfather. I can’t just make people disappear at will.” We both know he’s full of it. Max is like ice when he wants to be. I’ve seen him in action many times through the years. He is civilized and diplomatic—until he isn’t. The fact he hasn’t said enough to Rose to have her cursing him and going in the other direction lets me know he doesn’t really want her gone—even if he isn’t ready to accept it yet. He’s playing the game that she started and maybe he can’t stop. A part of me had wanted to run when I’d met Lia as well. Denial will only get you so far, though. Max is fraying at the seams, and if Rose is as smart as I think she is, then she knows it. Checkmate, my friend, I want to say, but I wisely keep it to myself. He wouldn’t believe me at this point anyway. He’s grasping at straws as he feels his ironclad resolve wavering. He’s afraid to become involved with her and it’s more than the fear of her unsettling love of guns. It seems that no one within my inner circle is capable of loving easily. We all have our demons and Max appears to be struggling with his. It could be that Rose is what he needs right now. It sure as fuck wouldn’t be boring.

“I’m the last one to give advice,” I begin, “but try to see beyond the smoke screens where she’s concerned. I realize she looks a certain way, but then acts in a completely different manner. That much alone is enough to confuse the hell out of anyone. She’s been there for Lia though which tells me something about who she is.”

“I’m not looking for what you have, Luc,” he protests weakly.

“Neither was I, Max, but I wouldn’t change it. I’m not saying that you need to ask her to marry you, but why not just let it ride for a while. How about not pissing her off, though. I don’t want any bomb threats because of you.”

Max cringes and gets to his feet. “I’m going to head home and change clothes. I’ll be back in a few hours.” When he reaches the door, he gives me a pained look and adds, “I would appreciate if you didn’t telling Aidan about this. He’d enjoy it way too much.”

I grin and nod my agreement before he leaves. I’m afraid Aidan has no room to heckle someone else for loving a crazy woman.

Chapter Five


“Lucian, haven’t we discussed you waiting in the lobby while I examine my patient?” Dr. Kay has her hands on her hips, with her lips pursed in mock frustration. Lia laughs softly from her perch on the examination table. I feel like a boy being scolded by his teacher, which I’m sure is her intent. I don’t let it cause me to back down though.

“I’m here to give Lia my support,” I say confidently, prepared to stand my ground. Lia asked me to stay with her and there is no way I’m leaving.

She turns to study her patient, not content with taking my word for it. “Lia, would you like Lucian to stay or wait outside? The choice is yours, no matter what he says.”

Lia extends her uninjured hand toward me and I clasp it in mine. “I want him to stay please,” she answers clearly.

“Oh, all right,” she grumbles, but I can tell she’s fighting a smile. “You just sit over there to the side and stay out of the way then.” I give her my most charming grin, before doing as she says. I have a feeling she could bodily toss me out if so inclined. She begins laying out the tools to remove the cast on Lia’s wrist while quizzing her about her health since her last appointment. She thumbs through Lia’s chart then asks matter-of-factly, “Have you taken a pregnancy test or had your period?”

Lia begins blushing furiously before she finally says, “No, to both questions. I…or we would like to have that checked today.”

“Of course,” Dr. Kay says, not making a big deal out of it. “I’m going to ask my nurse to collect a urine specimen from you while I’m getting the rest of the tools ready to remove your cast. She can do a pregnancy test and have the results in a few moments. If the test is positive, we’ll do some blood work to check your numbers and go from there.” Lia shifts nervously as Dr. Kay opens the door and motions for her nurse. I stand automatically when she starts to leave the exam room. “Lucian Quinn, don’t you dare follow her to the bathroom!” Dr. Kay stops me in my tracks. I hadn’t really thought about what I was doing. Now, I feel myself flushing just as Lia had moments ago. I drop back into my chair and hear Lia giggle as she walks down the hall. Without looking up from what she’s doing, Dr. Kay says softly, “Your mother would be so happy to see this side of you.”

Tags: Sydney Landon Lucian & Lia Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024