Captivated by Her Innocence - Page 55

The questions came thick, fast and eager until she pressed a finger to his lips, laughing. ‘Slow down. I’ve only just found out myself.’

‘You have not seen a doctor?’

She shook her head and admitted quietly, ‘I thought it might be nice if we went together the first time.’

The stern disapproval melted from his face. ‘Of course, but not the first time—every time. I will be with you every step of the way,’ he promised, trying hard not to think about the birth. ‘Come, sit down,’ he urged, trailing a supportive arm around her shoulders. ‘You should not be standing, and take off those shoes. They are lethal and if you fell—’

‘So you are happy about this?’

He flashed her an incredulous look as he pressed her down into a chair and fell into a graceful squatting pose beside her. ‘Are you joking? A baby! It’s incredible.’

‘Even if it wasn’t planned?’

‘Life is not about plans, cara, it is about love and hope and, now, babies. I’ll get them to turn this damned thing around if anything were to happen while we were out in the middle of the ocean—’

‘Nothing bad is going to happen, Cesare,’ she soothed, grabbing his hands. She was able to speak with utter and total confidence as she added quietly, ‘Not while I have you.’

‘You will have me always, cara, for better or worse. I love you with all my, you are my soul. I believe that.’

Anna smiled, her heart in her eyes as she looked into the face of the beautiful man she loved.

‘You said that once before, in front of witnesses. I believed you then and I always will,’ she said simply.

Tags: Kim Lawrence Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024