Gage (Men of Honor 1) - Page 35

Funnily enough I’ve been able to keep it hidden from the all seeing Gage so far since he’s been leaving extra early to make up for all the work he’s been missing. He’d gotten into the habit of coming home early these past few days, something he attributes to my new sassy attitude.

It boosts my ego no end to see the way he’s been reacting to me, like he’s even more in love with me now than ever, if that were possible. He could never keep his hands off me before, but lately it’s become an obsession with him.

I too have been taking advantage, loving the fact that he can’t seem to get enough of me so much that I’ve taken to showing up at his office everyday for lunch, which always turns into me getting bent over his desk before we leave together to come home and finish out the day making love on every flat surface in the house. It’s like a second honeymoon and I guess I have Donna to thank for that in a way.

Gage has been commenting on my temperature a lot lately too, telling me how hot I feel inside which had led to me believing that I am indeed pregnant even before I started throwing up. I’m so excited to tell him, but I’m waiting until after my doctor’s appointment later on today.

I could get a store bought test, but my neurosis won’t allow me to trust anything but a professional opinion. I haven’t shared my suspicions with anyone for fear that I’m wrong but fingers crossed that I’m not.

I can’t wait to see what kind of daddy Gage is going to be, can’t wait to share that with him. My only fear is that I myself might not do too well as a mom seeing as I didn’t have the best role model. Still I’m convinced I won’t scar my child the same way I was by my parents.

Speaking of which, though our relationship has been strained to say the least in the last year, they’re still my parents and I’d love to patch things up with them, if only I could get my husband on board. He still hasn’t forgiven them and isn’t willing to go out of his way to make peace.

But silly as it seems and as horrible as I’ve come to view them as parents, I still want them to know about their grandchild if it does turn out that I am indeed with child.

I ran my hand down my middle as I stood in front of the mirror, turning this way and that without noticing any difference. A look at my watch showed that I only had an hour and a half before my appointment and I hurried to finish getting dressed.

I didn’t tell Gage what I was going to the doctor for, leaving him to believe that it was just a regular checkup and even then I had to talk him out of coming with me. Now that the time was drawing near though I wish I’d asked him to take the day off so he could hold my hand.

This past week I think I’ve grown in more ways than one. His constant undivided attention added to the fact that Donna seems to have been scared off once and for all has gone a long way to making me feel like I’m coming into my own.

By the time I made it to the doctor’s office Donna was the last thing on my mind and by the time I walked out again with the results in my hand I was a bundle of nerves. It’s one thing to think about pregnancy and quite another to know that you were actually carrying a whole human being inside you.

I don’t remember getting into the car and driving, or even choosing which direction to go in, but before I knew it I was pulling into the underground garage at Gage’s building. I don’t think I’ve been able to hold a thought since hearing the words ‘you’re pregnant’.

All the way up in the elevator I was still in a daze. I barely acknowledged Melissa who greeted me with a smile from her desk before walking into Gage’s office. Shoot, is he alone? Too late! But thankfully he was and he looked up from his computer screen when I walked in.

“Hey baby, you’re a bit early today…what is it? What’s happened?” He stood up from his chair and came towards me and I still couldn’t find my voice. I just held out my hand with the now crumpled sheet of paper the nurse had given me before I left the doctor’s office.

He took it and looked down to read before looking back at me. The look of awe that came over his face brought tears to my eyes. “Is this… are you… we’re…?” He too seemed lost for words and all I could do is nod my head yes as the tears started to fall. Next thing I knew he was lifting me off my feet with a loud cry of excitement.

Tags: Jordan Silver Men of Honor Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024