Gage (Men of Honor 1) - Page 40

She shook her head wildly as I felt the pressure building inside her around my cock. I searched for and found her sweet spot with the tip of my cock and she went fucking nuts. “Merciful fuck!” I had to hold onto her to keep her from pulling off my dick as she bucked and slammed her pussy back hard.

I wanted to tell her again to be careful but the words wouldn’t come. She took over, getting her fill as I just knelt there behind her barely moving as she used my cock to get off. Her pussy was wetter, hotter than at any time in the past and a feeling of love hit me so hard if I’d been standing my knees would’ve given out.

As it was I felt weak, weak and somehow strong at the same time. I moved my hand around to the front of her and held her tummy as my cock jumped inside her. “Gage?” She panted out my name and I used what little breath I had left to answer.

“Yes baby.”

“I want to hold you.” She moved to pull off my dick but I was lodged too deep so it took a minute to pull out of her. When she rolled to her back and spread her legs for me to dive in I tried staying up over her, resting my weight on my arms, but she wasn’t having it.

As soon as I slid my cock inside her she pulled me down to her, crushing her much lighter frame beneath mine. “You’re not going to hurt me.” I wasn’t so sure but I have to admit that taking her this way was way more intimate.

The fiery need seemed to calm a little and I found myself staring down at her as I held my cock still letting it drip precum inside her pulsating pussy. “I love you!” Those words seemed so insufficient to describe what it was that I was feeling in that moment, but they did the trick.

Her smile came from the heart and shone in her eyes as she wrapped her arms and legs around me and we started a slow rhythmic dance together. I felt every move my cock made into her. Could feel the heat and softness of her pussy as it slid along my cock in a way I never have before.

Everything felt new, not like this was the first time for us, but more like the woman I love had somehow become so much more, something I would’ve never thought to be possible before now. Even though my pulse raced and my heart beat out of control, I found that I could go slow.

Part of that newness was that she was even more precious now in my eyes. And knowing that, feeling that, I was able to love her slowly, gently and because I had to go slow, the feelings were even more intense. “I love you too!”

Our lips came together as we moved together as one, my cock going deep with each stroke but not deep enough to hurt. Having to be that careful with her added its own unique brand of stimulation and like always I didn’t want to leave her, even when I felt my balls tighten and my cock thump in readiness.

There’s nothing like wanting to fuck like a matador and having to pull your strokes. Her pussy clamped down around my cock as I slipped my tongue into her mouth and that’s all it took for my cock to start blasting off inside her.

We stayed like that, locked together long after we came, until I got hard again and we started all over. It was a long intense afternoon of hot sex and soft whispers.

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“You’re kidding, are you really? I thought you were only saying that the other day to put that Donna person in her place. This is so exciting, you’re the first one of us to start a family. I’m psyched.” Tracy gushed at the news I’d just shared with her and Lisa over our usual lunch at the club.

It was a few days after my doctor’s appointment and I hadn’t had time to tell them before because Gage had taken up all of my time in the last few days. His over protectiveness had gone into overdrive and when we weren’t making love he was making me crazy with all his new rules.

The crazy man had bought me a new SUV the very next day after we found out that I was pregnant. When I argued that my Miata, the one he’d bought me no less, was perfectly fine until the baby came he wouldn’t hear of it. “It’s the truck or a driver you choose.”

My pouts didn’t work this time and I ended up with a brand new Mercedes jeep that looked more like a tank you’d take into battle than something you’d see on the road. “Gage must be over the moon.” Lisa piped in after offering congratulations. I rolled my eyes and picked up my water glass.

Tags: Jordan Silver Men of Honor Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024