The Lyon's Cub Caitlin (Lyon The Next Generation 1) - Page 78

“Caitiebear, about that thing your sister showed you about Friends of Alice, I don’t want you to worry about it, you know they’re just an online group that you should stay away from right.”

“Sure daddy I know.” I played it off like it was nothing and didn’t mention all the other things that had been on that paper.

The fact that daddy was trying his best to downplay it only made me want to know more. Is that what he, Todd and uncle Hank were doing locked away in his office?

Of course I hadn’t mentioned it to Todd, what teenage boy wants to find himself in the middle of that mess? And besides at the time Catalina showed it to me I was thinking we already had a lot working against us him and I. But if daddy told him about it what does that mean? I have to remember to ask Catalina exactly what happened when daddy found out.

We spent the next few hours in the garage, just daddy and I and it was just like old times. I can’t believe I’d let it go this long. We talked about school, dance class and even what kind of car I wanted when I get my license. I’m holding out for the car one of my Godfathers gave mom for a wedding gift.

“This was fun daddy, we should do it again.” I rested my head on his shoulder the way I used to and he touched his head to mine just like old times. My heart filled and I got a hitch in my throat. I’ve been so unfair to daddy.

“Anytime baby, I’m always here.” I left him to head back inside because I missed Todd and walked into the grandpas on their way in. I had to stop to say hello to each one before I was able to leave and heard daddy grouching at them before I hit the last step.

I didn’t see Todd anywhere and remembered that daddy said he’d gone off somewhere with Mancini hours ago. Now is as good a time as any to talk to Catalina. That’s if she’s not down in her lab.

I try hard to steer clear of that place. The last time I went down there to see what she and grandpa Daniel were up to I got a contact high and it wasn’t from grandpa’s weed habit. I should’ve known something was up when they were both wearing mask, but I didn’t put it together until it was too late.

Since then I’ve learned not to venture beyond the top step of the basement unless I really need something from down there. These days only daddy goes down there and even he does it sparingly.


“Well shit, if it isn’t the pothead and his gang of misfits.”

“Hello to you too son.”

“Boy don’t lump me in with these two, you know I don’t smoke that shit.” You keep messing around with that one it won’t be long. Poor Cy looks like a strung out hippie.

The pothead has him dressing like him in sandals, Hawaiian shirts and some kinda loose fitting linen slacks that I don’t know what the fuck. “What are you three doing here? Isn’t tomorrow your usual mooch day?”

“I came to see my grand son in law, heard he was home for the summer.” This fuck!

“Isn’t Annalisa a bit young to be getting married? My sister know you trying to marry off her kid?”

“I’m talking about Caitie’s beau, where is he? We didn’t see him when we came in.” If he wasn’t my father…

“If you came here to annoy me your work here is done. Where’s your wife? Can’t she find something for you to do?”

“She went off with a group of her friends. Apparently there’s a prom coming up and they’re looking for a dress for somebody’s granddaughter.” He shrugged nonchalantly and walked over to check out the bike I was working on.

“So where is he? He’s all my wife would talk about this morning at the breakfast table. I hear he’s grown into a fine young man.”

“Yeah, we gotta check him out, make sure he’s good enough for our Caitie.” I love the fact that Cy acts like my kids are his grandkids, there’s no difference between him and the other two, something that makes my wife and I very happy.

When we brought him home all those years ago we didn’t know that things would’ve worked out to this extent. Now it’s hard to imagine our life without him, it’s like he’s always been a part of us. And I know he loves Caitiebear as much as I do.

As the first grandchild she has a special place in all their hearts, and I’m sure he doesn’t want her going off anymore than I do. “No one’s good enough for our Caitie.” Drake fussed and shoved his hands in his pockets. Now that’s what I’m talking about. It’s good to see his wife hadn’t been able to fill his head with shit.

Tags: Jordan Silver Lyon The Next Generation Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025