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Seduced by the American Millionaire (Louisiana Liaisons 1)

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"You better be careful this weekend. You got that? "

She numbly nodded her head in agreement.

Three nights later, Richard sat in a Shreveport hotel and tried to drink his black mood away. The hotel bar was crowded as usual for a Saturday night. He came here every couple of months on business, and never seemed to have a problem with it. The rooms were comfortable, the bar busy and eclectic enough to suit his tastes.

But tonight he just wanted to be alone with his drink. He hadn't slept well the night before. The bed was uncomfortable, the room gloomier than usual. He tossed and turned and couldn't seem to settle.

His business went without a glitch, having ordered and paid for another shipment of merchandise.

But he had a nagging feeling of resentment for having to be here, irritation for the travel in his schedule. He glanced up from his drink and saw a woman watching him from her seat at the bar. She was slim and blonde and attractive. Just the type he would usually go for. Take to his room and enjoy the rest of the night with. She smiled at him. He thought about what it would feel like to have her naked, spread on his bed. It could happen so easy. She looked easy. He would have to use a condom so he could stay clean for Jenny. He thought of Jenny's sweetness. His mood turned darker.

He finished his drink and set the glass down. He stood up. He needed something to make the dark mood disappear. He thought the blonde could do it. He could shut his eyes and put it in her and pretend she was Jenny.

Fuck! He couldn't believe his brain had come up with that. Anger at himself and with Jenny slid through his veins. He just needed some more time to get her out of his system. Then he could get on with his life and with blondes like the one at the bar. He thought of all the nameless, faceless sluts that dominated his world. Irritation pulsed through him.

He walked out of the bar and up to his room alone.

Jenny's weekend was much better than Richard's. She loved spending time with the boys, and nothing could change that. The three of them spent time lounging around the hotel pool, and she listened with proud amazement at what they were accomplishing this semester. Her boys continued to surprise her and always in a good way.

She was somewhat disconcerted when Mark told her that they thought she should start dating again. She looked at John, and saw the agreement in his serious, young eyes. "We want you to be happy mom, and to have someone. We don't want you to be alone. "

The idea was intriguing, and during the five-hour drive home, she contemplated the suggestion with happiness and excitement.

She pulled into her driveway at five-thirty. Her phone rang at six. "Hello? "

"Jenny. " Pleasure coursed through her at the sound of his deep voice.

"Hi. "

"Are you home? " His voice was clipped, impatient.

"Yes, are you? "

"Yes. I'll pick you up in an hour. "

"No. Wait, Richard. You can't. I can't spend the night over there tonight. It's Sunday night. I've got a million things to do. I haven't washed clothes in almost two weeks. The house is a mess. I-- "

He cut her off.

"Fine. I'll spend the night over there. Have you eaten? I'll pick up some food. "

She paused. She hadn't thought he would want to spend the night at her house. It wasn't like him. But she liked the idea. "Um, okay. No, I haven't eaten. "

"I'll see you at seven. "

Jenny hung up the phone as excitement gripped her. This affair she was embroiled in was getting deep. The repercussions of that thought dimmed her happiness. She still didn't believe that a bar could make the kind of living that he enjoyed. She didn't think he was telling her the whole truth. Or maybe not even half the truth.

But she still felt totally safe entrusting her body to him. He wouldn't hurt her physically. She knew that. Deep down, she knew that. And it wasn't like they were going to get married or anything. They were just sleeping together. That was all. Just sleeping together.

Chapter Eight

When she opened the door at seven, the impact of his presence hit her. Two nights without him, and the attraction was mind-blowing. They stared at each other.

"Hi. " She felt almost shy. Why did she feel like that?

"Hi, yourself. I need to put this stuff down. " His hands were full. He had a duffel in one hand and a take out bag in the other. She opened the door wide and he walked through.

"Come back to the kitchen. "

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