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Seduced by the American Millionaire (Louisiana Liaisons 1)

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He followed her through to the back of the house. She took the food from him and put it on the counter. He dropped his duffel by the table.

"Come here. " She turned to face him. He held out a hand and she reached out to take it. He didn't waste any time, and pulled her to him. He wrapped his arms around her.

His arms tightened and Jenny felt him bury his face in her hair. Surprise and pleasure slammed into her as she realized he was breathing in her scent. She stood in his beefy grasp and let him absorb her aroma.

"Did you miss me? " she teased him.

The truth of her words jarred him. The sudden realization of why he had been in a black mood all weekend disturbed him. He had known he resented being away from her because he couldn't have sex with her. It hadn't occurred to him that he missed her. "Mmm. " His answer was noncommittal.

She playfully hit him on the arm. "You so missed me. " She tried to wiggle away from him. His hold was unrelentingly tight. She stilled and attached her gaze to his chest.

"You're not going anywhere yet. " His arms were manacles.

"Why not? "

"Because you haven't given me my 'hello' kiss yet. "

She looked up at him through her eyelashes. "Hello. " Her voice was soft and low.

He looked into her eyes and felt the impact of her spell surround him. He lowered his head and claimed her lips for his own. She felt soft, smooth, and perfect for him. He felt weakened, captivated by her softness.

Shit. He had it bad for her.

That evening, Jenny moved around the house, getting ready for Monday. She washed two loads of laundry, and straightened up her office area. She did some quick filing and a little cleaning. But there was one big difference to her routine. Richard lounged in her living room, watching television, and watching her.

After the hello kiss, Jenny had expected him to pounce on her. He didn't. He just moved away, asked about her weekend with the boys, and started unpacking the food. They ate in the kitchen.

Since then, she was supremely aware of him watching her. He was quiet, and wasn't trying to keep her from her chores. But he was there. He didn't seem to be at ease. He was not paying attention to the television. His eyes followed her. He had an air of tension around him, as if he was trying to restrain himself.

That night, when they went to bed together in her bedroom for the first time, his lovemaking was prolonged, deliberate. He seemed intent on making her wait. Every time she was close, he changed the rhythm, or changed his tactics. He would stop touching her except to hold her face, and kiss her until she was breathless. He was trying to prove something. It was like a contest, and he was going to be the winner.

After the fourth time of bringing her to the cusp of orgasm, and then slowing down, she whispered, "Please. "

"Tell me you want me. " His voice was harsh. His breathing erratic.

"I want you. Please. " She lifted her hips.

"Tell me you need me in you. " He dropped his lips and sucked on her nipple.

"Please. I need you in me. " She continued to push against him.

"Tell me you missed me. " He rasped his teeth over her nipple.

"I missed you, Richard. I missed you so much. " At her words, the dam seemed to break, and he shoved into her body and drove his tongue in her mouth.

She hung in the maelstrom of his passion, and reveled in his possession. She screamed as her climax hit her hard and fast, and felt him take the last few strokes to his completion.

He groaned and fell on top of her. Their breathing slowed and they slept in each other's arms.

The next two days passed in the same undemanding pattern. She would work. He would come pick her up. They would get food and spend the night at his house. He always brought her home in the mornings.

Wednesday afternoon brought thunderstorms and higher winds than usual. Jenny was glad she had already put her hours in at the office, and could finish out her work week inside her home.

A nagging, persistent doubt plagued her all day. The affair she was embroiled in was captivating but disturbing. Her main concern was that she was flat out going to fall in love with someone totally unsuitable.

How did a man expect you to continue to have sex with him on an ongoing basis without falling in love? No words had been spoken about the time limit or any parameters being put on the affair. She was quickly coming to need more. She knew herself well, and knew she couldn't continue this indefinitely without some kind of commitment to the relationship. Relationship? She was even scared to use that word.

She watched the rain falling and debated what she should do. She wanted to test him, to push him in some way, but didn't know how or what to do. She smiled to herself when she realized she was plotting against him. Or was she plotting for him? Did she even want him?

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