Under the Cowboy's Control - Page 48

"For sure, man. I can't figure out what sent her son running off to Mexico all those years ago, but the lady is all into philanthropy and she has a good reputation among the locals. I'm warning you man, she's going to want your wife."

Travis took down the contact information for Selena's grandmother, thanked him for the information, and hung up the phone.

He sat down behind his desk and put his head in his hands and thought about the situation. He knew Selena was content here, but just how happy was she? And how much of it was from choice, and how much from circumstance? He wasn't going to lie to himself now. He had held onto her with a tight fist from the first day she had walked onto his ranch. He had kept her here solely for himself and had callously manipulated her into marrying him.

He thought back to that day, three weeks ago in Laredo, after he had bought the rings. He told her what his expectations of marriage were, and then he had knowingly stoked her fear by telling her he would drop her off at a hotel by herself and leave her there alone. Shit. What kind of a low life son of a bitch was he? He could easily have helped her find a job, and find a safe, decent place to live. He had people all over Laredo who owed him favors. But had he offered that? Had he given her that choice? Hell no. He ruthlessly and methodically scared the crap out of her so she would marry him.

And since that day three weeks ago, he hadn't let her get far from her tether. He liked it best when she was glued to his side, barefoot in his kitchen or naked in his bed. It helped that she really didn't have a choice. She didn't have any money of her own, even though he continually offered to buy her whatever she wanted. She seemed content to stay on the ranch, and he knew with absolute conviction that she was happy in his bed. He had made sure of that. But what real choice had he given her? None. Nada. He had chained her to him, stolen her virginity, and mercilessly used her for his own purposes. It had all been about him. What he wanted. He had set out from day one to make her totally dependent on him. For everything. For money, for food, shelter and clothing, and now he had taught her to crave the sex he could give her.

Jesus Christ, he had even been doing his damndest to get her pregnant. He could deny it to himself all he wanted, but the truth was that every time he came in her, he had an agenda. An agenda that included her barefoot and pregnant with his child.

If she had his child, he had her. Forever. She wouldn't leave him if she had his baby.

How damn selfish could a man be? He had written the book. He had taken one look at her and that was it. He wanted her and so he took her. And he would be goddamned if he would give her up now.

His stomach churned like battery acid eating his insides. How could he hope to keep her when she met her grandmother? An old lady who loved her already and had always wanted to know her. Selena's sad story of violence and heartache would clinch the deal. She would offer Selena a home if she ever needed one, and the minute Selena had a way out of this hellhole with him, she would take it.

Hell, why wouldn't she? He was a mean son of a bitch, constantly demanding her attention, constantly showing jealousy, constantly getting his way.

His mind supplied him with a vision of the night they went to bed together after they had made love at the pond. She was so beautiful, coming from the bathroom, clean and fresh wearing one of the new pale pink nightgowns. He had stopped her in her tracks, his voice vibrating with arousal. Get it off. Her footsteps stalled. Wh- What?

Her voice had been hesitant, and he had growled back at her. Take the nightgown off. I want to see you coming to me naked. She paused and shook her head .

Selena. Now.

Shit. The memory shamed him. He had taken her virginity that day, and that night, he had terrorized her. He was not only going to lose her, he was going to go to hell.


Selena played with the little skunks and laughed out loud as she watched them.

They were big enough now to play with the kittens. Sometimes the kittens got too rough, and she had learned the hard way that the skunks would spray the kittens if they got out of hand. She hadn't actually gotten sprayed herself, but she had just escaped to the front of the barn when that little tail pointed up in the air. The mother cat was worn out from trying to get the scent off all five of the little ones.

Selena continued to watch their antics while she tried to count the date. She knew her last period was after the episode when Travis thought she was ill. Right before they were married. Right before they began making love. Without protection, at her instigation. She was always very regular. Every twenty-eight days, like clockwork.

Was yesterday the day she should have been sick in bed? Or was it today? Could she be pregnant already? She supposed she could. Many women got pregnant on the first try. And they were trying. No words had been spoken since that first time when they hadn't used a condom. But she knew. She knew he wanted a baby just as much as she did.

She thought about having Travis's baby. My God, nothing would make her happier.

Well, unless she had his baby and he told her he loved her. She had started to tell him many times, but she was always scared. She was scared he would think she was pushing for something he couldn't give her. Or something he believed he couldn't give her.

She thought about the way he acted toward her, the gentle way he treated her. She remembered the fit he had thrown weeks ago before they were married, the day she brought lunch to him in the field. What he had said. I tell you what, Angel, you let me take you back to the house, strip you naked every night. You sleep in my bed, and we'll see just how nice I can be.

She smiled at the memory. He had terrified her then. But a few short weeks later, she understood. She was sleeping naked in his bed every night, and he had shown her how nice he could be. Not that he probably even remembered the conversation, but he was right. The difference in him was amazing. Astounding.

He held her every night. Naked. A thrill went through her when she remembered how he had demanded she join him in bed, naked. He made love to her every night, usually twice, and sometimes during the day. Sometimes he was so gentle, worshipping her body with his mouth and his hands that she almost cried. Other times, he was demanding and aggressive, provoking her orgasm with a domination and control she couldn't think to resist.

He was undoubtedly the lover of her dreams. He was definitely the husband of her dreams.

Since they had gotten married, she could do no wrong with him. She had twice forgotten his dinner in the oven while she played with the skunks, and twice he had watched her throw it down the garbage disposal, and then helped her make sandwiches. She had accidently erased a whole evening's worth of his work on the computer, and he had pulled her onto his lap and asked her if she had been thinking of him when she made the mistake.

The only time he got testy was when he demanded her attention and she didn't oblige him fast enough. Leave that. You can clean the kitchen tomorrow, while I'm moving the herd. He had taken her hand and forcefully dragged her away from the kitchen. She thought he was going to take her to bed. She smiled at the memory.

He pulled her to the couch, and held her in his arms while they watched television.

She played with the little skunks, stroking them lightly, and decided she would wait to tell him that she thought she was pregnant until she knew for sure.


Tags: Lynda Chance Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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