Lost to the Desert Warrior - Page 51

‘As well he would. Salem isn’t just his brother—he’s ex-Special Forces. After everything that happened in their family he left to set up his own private security firm. He handles our security—although I’m convinced that’s just Mal trying to monitor my movements when I’m buying shoes.’

Layla laughed, but her mind was picking over what she now knew of Salem. On that first night he’d stepped in front of his brother to protect him, even though Raz was obviously well able to defend himself. ‘He hasn’t been in contact.’

‘He’s a man.’ Avery selected a date from the bowl on the table. ‘Men never call when they’re supposed to, and Salem keeps everything close to his chest. Which isn’t a bad place to be, I have to say, because he’s all muscle and very sexy.’ Catching Layla’s expression, she grinned. ‘Sorry, I’m trying to cheer you up. I honestly do believe that Salem will find her. He’s the best.’

‘But if she were alive surely he would have found her by now?’

‘Maybe he has. Maybe he’s lying low for some reason—such as the fact Hassan is a crackpot and no one knows exactly where he is.’ Avery nibbled the date. ‘Is she a resilient girl?’

Layla thought about her sister and everything she’d endured. ‘Yes.’

‘Shy? What would she do if she were picked up by a Bedouin tribe, for example?’

‘Talk them to death?’

Avery’s brows rose. ‘It sounds as if Salem will have his hands full when he finds her. You don’t know him, so you’ll have to take it from me that he’s very serious. And everything he does is top secret so he’s not much of a talker.’

‘Then how do you know so much about what he does?’

‘Just one of the perks of being married to the boss, sweetie.’

Layla sifted through the information at her disposal. ‘But if Salem is really as serious as you say he is going to strangle my sister.’

‘Yes, it does sound like an interesting match. I predict that she will be a pleasant interruption from his usual life. Now, have some more tea. And eat something. Because it’s ages until dinner and I’m always too busy mingling to eat much at these things.’

Avery topped up the cups and Layla breathed deeply.

‘I have no idea what is expected of me tonight.’

‘You’re our guest. All we expect of our guests is that they enjoy themselves. In fact I insist on it or I’ll assume my party is a dismal failure.’ Seeing the expression on Layla’s face, she gave a warm smile. ‘Just enjoy the time with Raz. Sounds as if the two of you haven’t had much time to get to know each other outside of a crisis situation, so this is a perfect opportunity to explore a whole different side to your relationship.’

‘But I knew what was expected of me in the crisis. I knew I had to stop the wedding, find Raz, find my sister—it was stressful, but there was a purpose to it. I don’t understand the purpose of a party. That isn’t what our relationship is about.’

‘Maybe it should be. Maybe you just don’t know how to relax because you’ve never been allowed to. The purpose of tonight,’ Avery said, ‘is for you to spend time together. Be a couple.’

‘I’ve never been part of a couple. I don’t know what I’m doing.’ Layla’s desperation to talk to someone overrode her natural shyness about the topic. ‘Raz is—experienced. I’m worried I’m not the woman he needs.’

Avery stared at her for a long moment and then gave a slow smile that transformed her face from beautiful to pure seductress. Suddenly Layla saw exactly why the Sultan had fallen so hard for her. She was strong and independent, but never at the expense of her femininity.

‘Trust me, you are all the woman he needs,’ Avery said.

Layla gave a helpless shrug. ‘I don’t know myself anymore. I thought I had such a clear idea of who I was and what I wanted, and then suddenly it turns out I’m wrong.’

‘Not wrong, but people change and adapt according to their circumstances.’ Avery sipped her tea. ‘People grow and learn. Or at least the people worth knowing do. For the record, I’m glad Raz found you. He deserves someone like you. And you deserve him.’

‘He was forced to marry me.’

‘Stop saying that! Did he marry you kicking and screaming? I didn’t think so. Now, finish your tea—we’re going to make sure that by the time you and Raz make it back to the bedroom tonight he is going to be a desperate man.’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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