The Mistress Mistake - Page 10

His gaze took on a gleam she didn't understand and his voice roughened even more as he answered, "The damage is already done. It won't be any worse that it just was."

"Is that a yes?" she asked.


"Thank you," she whispered.

"You're thanking me?"

"I don't know what I'll do if this doesn't work out."

"It's all good, Jessica." His eyes dropped down her body and he frowned. "Every girl deserves a first time to remember. I've already fucked that up for you. But I'll try to be gentle, try to fix what I screwed up. But you have to understand, it's only going to be this once. I don't want intimacy with you or anyone else. I want sex the way I described to you before, and after tonight, that's the way it'll have to be, okay?"

She licked her lips and nodded her head.

At her tentative agreement, he groaned deep in his chest and his mouth landed on hers. He pulled her bottom lip into his mouth and when she moaned, he slipped his tongue inside and really began kissing her.

It was the first time he'd kissed her, and Jessica forgot everything as a kaleidoscope of stars exploded in her head. He tasted so good, he smelled so awesome and her hands landed on his shoulders, gripping him to her. She'd been so worried about the actual deed, she hadn't thought about the excitement of just kissing. They kissed endlessly, her heartbeat going wild as he swirled his tongue around hers. He lifted his head and moved his lips to her ear as he ran his hand between them to land on her sweet spot once again.

The feeling was so indescribable that she moved frantically underneath him, lifting her hips against him. He groaned as his teeth bit into her earlobe and she felt his roughened breathing in her ear. "I'm sorry I hurt you. It was never my intention to hurt you."

He kissed his way back to her lips, going slowly over her cheekbones, and across her cheek until his mouth hovered over hers. They panted together. "Do you forgive me?"

"Yes," she whispered, utterly amazed and shocked to her core at the turn their encounter had taken.

His tongue plundered her mouth again, and his hips rocked against her. Jessica felt the power of his erection, moving against her body, shifting restlessly against her. His hand slid from her clit down to her soft opening and he swirled his finger against her. He opened the lips of her sex, and ran his finger slowly up and down. Over and again. He pushed inside a tiny bit and the feeling was incredible. She moaned into his mouth and his lips released hers.

"You're so beautiful." His finger quit teasing her and pushed inside all the way. Her heartbeat stalled and then took up a cadence so strong she didn't think she would live through it. "When you walked inside that restaurant the other day . . . I thought I'd died and gone to heaven."

Jessica let out a small, keening sound both from the impact of his words seducing her and from his hand laying claim to her most intimate place.

And then it hit her. He was seducing her. This was exactly what he'd said would never happen again after tonight. She'd only ever get to have this the one time. Right now. She felt a tear slide down her cheek as she tried to remember every word, recall every taste of his lips against hers.

Her emotions were in turmoil, she was suddenly so sad from the small taste of heaven she knew she wouldn't ever experience with him again. Her arousal slipped away as disappointment took over, but she felt a strong, powerful need for him to be inside of her anyway. She lifted her hips again and he took the subtle hint.

He took his hand away from her and moved his torso between her thighs. Reaching down, he adjusted his position and moved the broad head of his penis to her opening. He began to push in. Stopping, he lifted her legs and put them around his hips. "Hold them there, sweetheart."

She did as he said, and his lips came back to hers. He pushed into her body at the same time and with the same strength as his tongue thrust into her mouth. He pulled out the same way. Stars exploded in her head as she felt his thickness and length for the first time without pain. It was a pressure, a lot of pressure, but there was no pain.

She clung to him as they kissed, her legs wrapped around his hips and her hands clutching his shoulders. He pushed in and out over and over again. It felt good, so good, but she knew she wouldn't be able to achieve the peak of pleasure. She was too emotional for that, and too new to the game, anyway.

But God, it felt good. He touched every space within her, and his body was so strong and hard over hers and he felt so good and smelled so awesome that she knew she was in lust. Just one time. That's all it had taken and she was crushing on him already. Crushing on him in a big way.

She attempted to clear the thoughts from her mind as she felt a sudden surge of power coming from him. His strokes became stronger, his tongue in her mouth became stiffer, and even in her inexperience, she knew he was about to come.

And she was right.

He growled into her mouth, the sound coming deep from his diaphragm, and his erection, if possible, became even harder as he pushed once, twice, three times against her and then stilled completely, his hands gripping her face.

He stayed like that momentarily until his head slid to the pillow beside hers and he let his weight down on her, but moved just enough to the side so he wouldn't smother her.

She stared at the ceiling, nothing and everything running through her mind. She hadn't been prepared for sex. Or at least, she hadn't been prepared for sex with somebody like him.

Before she could think on it too much, he lifted his head and kissed her swiftly, just once, on the mouth. "Are you all right?"


He studied her features, and she guessed he was okay with what he saw because he gently separated his body from hers and stood to his feet. It was still broad daylight, and the sight of his powerful, naked body was both impressive and real. The sight of him nude made all of this so very real.

He picked up his jeans and strode to the bathroom while she looked around and found her shirt. She left her bra where he'd tossed it, and covered up as quickly as she could with her t-shirt.

Jessica only had about sixty seconds to find her panties and slip them on before Connor came out of the bathroom, with his jeans on once again.

She watched him warily as her brain began running a mile a minute. She had blood on her thighs. She'd seen it, but only briefly, as she'd slipped her panties on. Had he had blood on him as well? She didn't have enough nerve to ask, but she found out anyway.

He pulled on his shirt and sat on the side of the bed as he put his shoes on. "You bled."

"I'm sorry."

He turned and looked at her, a pained expression coloring his features. "Look, I've got to go. You going to be all right?"


"I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"


He continued to study her. "Do you have anything to eat, for later?"



Her mind raced. Even though she now had the money he'd given her, she had no transportation to go buy anything. There was a convenience store about half a mile away, and she could always walk if she had to. But she did have a few things that she'd brought with her. "Peanut butter, granola bars, stuff like that. I'll be fine."

He stayed silent as he picked up her bra from the floor and handed it to her. "Do you like pizza?"

God, yes, she did. And never got to have any. Except for the stuff in the university cafeteria that didn't taste like any pizza she'd ever had before. "Yes."

She sat back against the bed and watched him pull out his phone and key in a few strokes. He lifted it to his ear and while it was ringing asked her, "Pepperoni okay?"


The phone was answered and he rattled off the address and his order while she sat in a daze.

He slipped the phone back in his jeans and stood to his feet and picked up his keys and wallet. He pulled out a hundred dollar bill and tossed it on the bedside table, and said, "For the pizza."

A strong surge of nausea rose to the bac

k of her throat as he started to walk away. She'd assumed he was going to stay and eat pizza with her, but evidently, she'd assumed wrong.

He turned before he walked out the front door and spoke once again. "I've got a key to this door and I plan on using it whenever I like. Your key is on the kitchen counter. Keep the door locked and use the deadbolt at all times, understand?"


The look he gave her was incendiary. "Remember what I said. I own your sexual life, all of it. Understand?"

Tags: Lynda Chance Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024