Beautiful Disaster (Privilege 2) - Page 39

"You should really be paying attention to this," Maria told her. "You have to sign up for something, and it's obviously not going to be crew."

Ariana's mouth snapped shut. So much for progress. Why was Maria so curt with her? Had she done something to offend the girl? She held her tongue and turned her attention to the Dubai princess, who was obviously enjoying the spotlight.

"I have the most fabulous fund-raising event planned. More fabulous than anything Welcome Week has ever seen," she began, sliding her eyes along the crowd to make sure everyone was properly rapt with attention. "Friday night, we will be holding a gala event at the American Museum of Pop Culture."

There were a few gasps, some impressed murmurs, and a spattering


of applause. Ariana was duly impressed. This was one new development she had read about inside the Brenda T.--the opening of the fabulously hip museum, backed by some of the biggest directors, actors, and producers in film and television, plus a couple of magazine magnates and a few aging rock stars. It was jam-packed with memorabilia and exhibits from all forms of pop culture and was the place to hold parties in D.C. these days.

"Thanks to Kassie Sharpe, whose father is curator of the museum, we will have full access to all the galleries," Tahira continued. "And thanks to Micah Granger--our resident heir to the Jagermeister throne--"

Here she paused for the predictable hoots and hollers of the male population.

"We will have an open bar, stocked with all the finest spirits from around the world," Tahira continued. "But the main attraction will be our very own Landon Jacobs!" she announced, raising her arms over her head to applaud.

Landon bounded out of the crowd to stand at Tahira's side. He shoved his hands into the back pockets of his jeans and flipped his long bangs off his forehead with a twitch of his chin. Somehow, Ariana had the feeling that he adopted this pose often.

"I don't get it," Maria said, loud enough for only Ariana to hear.

"Landon has graciously agreed to be the centerpiece of the fundraiser," Tahira continued. "We will hold a silent auction where the sole prize will be a date with Landon to the New York premiere of his movie, First Son."

There was some happy, surprised, and approving chatter.


"Dude. We are so going to win," Tahira's boyfriend Rob said loudly.

"Not only that, but attendees will be able to pay ten dollars for an autograph or twenty-five dollars for a photograph with our little superstar," Tahira continued. "The night will be capped off by an acoustic performance by Landon himself."

Now the crowd really let out a cheer. Landon blushed under his shaggy hair and appeared to be struggling to hold back a smile. Apparently, smiling was uncool for a pop star.

"The museum is already promoting the event, and they have fielded thousands of calls from local schools, children's groups, and parents, asking how they can get their daughters in. Every tween within a two-hundred-mile radius is going to show up with their allowance money, not to mention their parents, who will probably be in serious need of an expensive drink once they've been exposed to all the swooning and screaming."

Everyone laughed. Everyone but Maria, who held her hand to her forehead and looked at the ground. "Oh my God. Why don't they just dip him in gold and mount him already?"

"What?" Ariana asked.

Maria sighed as the crowd cheered for Landon and he raised his arms and grinned, nodding in acknowledgment. "Nothing."

Ariana felt a surge of nervousness, the kind she always felt at the doorstep of an opportunity. She wasn't sure how Maria would respond, but she had to try. She had to get this girl to soften toward her at some point.


"Maria ... is something going on with you and Landon?" Ariana whispered, turning her back to the crowd in an attempt to be discreet.

Maria's eyes flashed with surprise and what Ariana could have sworn was a twinge of fear. "What? No. Are you kidding me?"

Her reaction only solidified Arianas suspicions. Her lie was written all over her face. "Sorry, it's just. .. you seem to get kind of emotional when the subject comes up."

Maria laughed, a short, uncomfortable laugh. "Well, clearly perceptiveness isn't your thing," she said blithely. She glanced over at Tahira and Landon, who were fielding questions from the masses. "I'm so over this party. Tell Lexa I went back."

Then she turned and slipped her sunglasses from her head over her eyes as she strolled elegantly away. Ariana eyed Landon, who was now waving his hands, trying to quiet the adoring crowd. She was more certain than ever that there was something going on between these two, but what was it? Unrequited love? A secret affair? Or perhaps just a shared secret. Whatever it was, she wanted to know.

"Hey," Palmer greeted her, stepping up from behind. "How's my favorite transfer?"

Annoyingly, Ariana's heart rate quickened. She took a sip of her lemonade and, much as it pained her, trained her attention on Tahira, who was now going on about e-mail blasts, flyers, and mailers.

Tags: Kate Brian Privilege Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024