The Book of Spells (Private 0.50) - Page 19

Instantly, Eliza tilted the book so that Catherine would be able to see only the cover. She turned the page and once again, her heart caught. Harrison had written her a message near the top left corner of the cover page.

For my favorite tragedy lover. There will be something to interest you on every page. Enjoy it. Harrison Knox.

My favorite tragedy lover, thought Eliza. He used the word my. He implied that I am his! Harrison touched this book. He read these very pages.

Eliza was nearly breathless with bliss. She could think of no gesture more romantic. Then, suddenly, she felt foolish. Harrison was in love with Theresa; they were engaged to be married. He couldn’t have realized what this book would mean to Eliza. He was probably just passing along a favorite story to another book lover.

“What is it, Eliza? You look positively feverish,” Catherine said, rushing to her friend’s side.

“It’s nothing,” Eliza said, slamming the book closed. “Just a note inside from my father.”

Catherine nibbled on her pinky finger for a moment, looking as if she was on the verge of saying something. Then she turned away and grabbed her black felt hat.

“Shall we be off, then? You can only imagine what a bear Theresa can be when people are late,” she said.

“But she was late to the welcome,” Eliza said, placing the book on the top shelf of her bookcase as she stood.

“Yes. It’s perfectly fine for her to keep others waiting, but heaven forbid the rest of us should attempt it,” Catherine said with a fond smile.

“Are you sure about this, Catherine?” Eliza asked, reaching for her new friend’s hand. “You were the first to protest the plan this morning. I didn’t intend to force you into it.”

Catherine shifted her feet nervously. “It’s all right. No one forced me. I’m going of my own accord.” She looked Eliza in the eye steadily.

“All right, then,” Eliza said with a resolute nod. “How are we to get out of here without being noticed?”

“We must take the servants’ stairs at the back,” Catherine replied as she reached for the door. “They go right by the kitchen, where Mrs. Hodge and Helen spend most of their time, but it’s the only way. If we walk out the front, Miss Almay will surely spot us. She spends most of her time at the window.”

“But won’t the maids hear us?” Eliza asked.

“We’ll just have to hope they’re washing dishes or scrubbing the floor,” Catherine said. “Theresa does this all the time.”

That was all the motivation Eliza needed. If Theresa could do it, so could she. “Then we’ll just be as quiet as mice.”

Eliza took the door handle and slowly opened it. The hallway was empty. She slipped out of the room, gesturing for Catherine to follow. Catherine closed the door with the faintest of clicks, but still winced at the sound.

“Which way?” Eliza whispered.

Catherine gave a nod to the right, and Eliza tiptoed down the hallway, past the closed doors of her slumbering classmates. Around the corner at the end of the hall was a slim door. It let out a loud creak as Eliza opened it.

“Shhh!” Catherine said automatically.

Eliza slipped inside and found herself on the wooden landing of a rickety set of stairs. Catherine tumbled in behind her and closed the door.

Catherine, to Eliza’s surprise, was giggling. “I can’t believe I just shushed a door.”

Suddenly Eliza’s nerves took over and she couldn’t help laughing as well. She covered her mouth to stifle the noise, but then a sudden creak down below stopped her cold. She grabbed Catherine’s arm.

“What was that?” she whispered.

Catherine shook her head mutely, her eyes wide.

Then came a whisper. “Eliza? Is that you?”

Eliza breathed a sigh of relief. It was just Alice. Eliza looked over the railing and saw the younger girl staring up at her, holding a candle in her tremulous hand.

“We’re coming!” Eliza whispered. Catherine grabbed Eliza’s hand as they started down the stairs.

“I nearly died of fright when I heard someone on the stairs,” Alice said when they reached her. She clutched Eliza’s other hand.

Tags: Kate Brian Private
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024