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Untouchable (Private 3)

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The party, inevitably, got out of control. It was clear to the world that Kiran had not been the only "mourner" to smuggle in alcohol. All that was left to be determined was when the dean's gradually simmering anger would finally go nuclear, putting an end to the evening, and whether or not there would be any repercussions. On the dance floor, Kiran, London, and Vienna twirled and whirled, falling all over one another and laughing their toned butts off. Dash was dancing with himself. Missy Thurber stepped slowly back and forth, clinging to one of the guys from my history class--even though the song playing was an upbeat one--half-asleep and drooling on his shoulder. He looked down the back of her dress, undoubtedly trying to determine whether or not he could manage to unhook her bra without her noticing. Considering her present state, I gave him two-to-one odds.

Over in the far corner, Walt Whittaker and Constance Talbot were talking with their heads bent close together. They had been


there most of the night. Every once in a while Constance would smile and blush and Whit would preen, pleased with himself. Looked like Constance had finally bagged her lifelong crush. Good for her.

"Dean Marcus has checked his watch ten times in the last three minutes," Natasha pointed out. "What's he waiting for?"

"He's probably hoping we all survive until ten o'clock without anyone making a scene or passing out," Ariana replied. "He did tell Dash we could have the room until then. This way he won't have to go back on his word."

"Always toeing the line, that Marcus. I bet he was a real wild man as a kid," Josh joked.

Natasha and I laughed and Ariana smiled. We were all sitting at one of the round tables, people-watching. I felt exhausted and almost content after a night of dancing, chatting, and laughing. I barely even noticed the photos of Thomas anymore, and when I did, I refused to let them bother me. From now on, nothing Thomas-related was going to bother me.

"What the hell!?"

My eyes shot to the door. Someone was shouting. A few people ran over to see what was going on. My heart drooped. What now? There had been so much drama lately, they should be turning Easton into a theater-in-the-round. Someone was freaking out, but their words were unintelligible over the music. Ms. Ling, the cutesy Bradwell housemother, and Mr. Shreeber, the crosscountry coach and Spanish teacher, raced over to see what was


going on. Soon most of the kids in the room were moving toward the door, jostling for a better view.

"What are you thinking?! Do you have no self-control?!"

My heart seized. I knew that voice.

"That's Noelle," Natasha said.

Ariana was already on her feet.

"That's it. I can't even look at you anymore!" Noelle shouted, storming back into the room with Ms. Ling on her heels. Noelle's face was blotchy with rage. She looked over her shoulder at Taylor, who was pale and unsteady on her feet. "I swear to God, sometimes I don't even know why we let you in."

There was an audible gasp from somewhere in the crowd. A Billings Girl questioning the worth of another Billings Girl was heresy to the commoners. When alone with each other, of course, we did it all the time. But it was never done in public.

"Noelle," Ariana gasped. Though there was no way Noelle could have heard her from halfway across the room.

Dash stepped forward and tried to take Noelle's hand, but she snatched her arm away. She grabbed her clutch, then turned and walked out the emergency-exit door into the night. After the briefest hesitation, Ariana followed her. I had never seen her look so stunned. For a long moment, no one moved. My heart pounded so hard it hurt. Something must really have pissed off Noelle for her to have gone that ballistic in public.

Ms. Ling slipped her arm around Taylor's shoulders and helped her back out into the hallway. Two seconds after they were


gone, Gage slid into the Great Room through the same door, hands in his pockets, looking amused and sheepish all at once. He might as well have been casually whistling.

Dash made a beeline for Gage.

"Let's go," Natasha said, grabbing my hand.

She, Josh, and I followed Dash into the corner with Gage. Kiran was already there.

"What the hell just happened?" Dash asked Gage.

Behind us, the music stopped and the dean announced that the party was over. A bunch of people groaned. We ignored him.

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