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Untouchable (Private 3)

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"Nothing, dude. I swear," Gage said.

"Well, something obviously happened," Natasha said.

Gage narrowed his eyes. "I don't know, all right? I'm coming back from hitting the head and I see Taylor sitting on the floor in the hallway all weepy. So I ask her if she's okay, right? I'm a gentleman."

He pulled down on his cuffs. Kiran, Natasha, and I all scoffed. Dash shot us a silencing glare.

"So she says no, she's not okay, and she's all snotty and everything, so I sit down next to her and ask her what's wrong," Gage continued.

"Why?" Natasha asked, voicing the thought on everyone's mind. Gage was not known for his compassion.

"Because he figured he could get some," Josh said under his breath.

"Whatever, dude. She's not even my type," Gage shot back.


"Gage, what happened with Noelle?" Dash asked through his teeth.

"That's just it, man. I have no idea. Taylor's blubbering all over me, making no sense. She's saying all this crap about Thomas and how sad it is and how his parents will never know what happened to him now, and all of a sudden, Noelle comes storming out and goes all Emily Rose all over the place. I swear to God, it was like she was possessed. She practically ripped the girl off the floor just so she could get in her face."

Dash looked completely confused. Much like I felt.

"I have to go talk to Taylor," Kiran said, turning to go.

"I'll come," I offered.

"No!" Kiran snapped. I flinched and she paused and took a deep breath. "Sorry. It's just, I know her better than you do. I think I'd better go alone."

Then she hightailed it out of there before I could even find the words to protest.



I awoke with a start, my heart racing so quickly I might have just run a mile. I was half asleep, but I had the distinct impression I had just heard a door slam. My room was one notch lighter than black. The digital clock read 5:32 a.m. Natasha was asleep on her back, her mouth hanging open. Had I dreamt it?

A bang sounded in the hall and I sat up straight. I tried to quiet my own breath and listened. Someone was moving past my door. I heard the distinct creaking of the ancient Billings House stairs. Moments later, the front door of the dorm opened, then slammed.

I quietly slipped out of bed and tiptoed over to the window by my desk. The campus grounds were covered with a thick, wet fog, and the old-fashioned torch lamps that dotted the pathways gave off a pathetic, fuzzy glow. Down below, the grayness swirled. Someone was walking along the path. Whoever it was wore a black hat and pulled a huge suitcase on wheels behind her--huge enough for a monthlong trip. Just when I thought I'd never get a good


enough look at the lonely traveler, she stepped under one of the old-fashioned street lamps. I recognized Taylor's blond curls.

My already racing pulse started to sprint. Where was Taylor going? It was too early to leave for break. We still had a whole day of classes. Taylor did not miss class.

Dammit. Taylor couldn't go. Not this way. Not before anyone cleared up what had happened last night, what was going on between her and Noelle. Not before I figured out what the hell was happening with her.

As quietly as possible, I unlatched the window lock and slid the pane open a few inches. I had no idea what I was hoping to hear, but I didn't want to miss anything that might clue me in to what was going on. Cold air rushed into the room and I clenched my teeth to keep from shivering. I could hear the wheels of Taylor's suitcase bumping along the stone path. Then something else moved down below. My heart caught in my throat. Someone was following Taylor.

I almost shouted a warning, but in the next second I choked it back. Suddenly I recognized the trench coat, the wide shoulders. They belonged to Detective Hauer.

Why would the police be trailing Taylor? Had Hauer just been out for his morning stroll early today and happened to see her?

Taylor disappeared around Bradwell. Hauer followed. Moments later I heard the pop of a car door closing. Lights flashed against the wall of fog. A sleek black town car swung into view between Bradwell and Dayton, then slipped down the hill toward the Easton gates.


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