Ambition (Private 7) - Page 46

"No, sir," I said patiently. "But we'd like to bring Sabine DuLac with us." "And why should I let Miss DuLac accompany you?" he

asked. "Because she--" Okay. "She wants to see New York" wasn't going to fly here. There had to be a plausible reason for Sabine to

be in on this trip. Cromwell raised his eyebrows at my hesitation and I noticed the huge globe on its pedestal behind his desk.

Epiphany. "Because Sabine will bring in a lot of international donations," I improvised. "Her family has friends and acquaintances all

over the globe. She would be a true asset to the planning committee." I clasped my sweaty hands together behind my back and prayed

my lie would do the trick. Money talked. And international money was still money. "Fine," Cromwell said finally. "Five passes it is.

You can come and pick them up on Friday afternoon." Yes! "Thank you, sir. You won't regret this," I said. "I do hope this project of

yours is a success," he said with so little sincerity he was practically transparent. "And we very much appreciate your support," I

replied sarcastically. Then I turned and walked out of his oven like office before my tone had a chance to sink in, and he had a chance

to change his mind.


It was unbelievable, the lengths Noelle would go to in order to get what she wanted. I knew she didn't like Sabine, but did she hate

her so much she couldn't deal with her for one lousy weekend? That seemed so petty. And so beneath Noelle. Couldn't she let me have

just one little thing? Couldn't she keep herself from trying to control every aspect of life in Billings? Well, Noelle clearly didn't realize

who she was dealing with. I loved the girl, but she had to get used to the fact that she wasn't the only person living in Billings. Things

couldn't always be the way she wanted them to be. She had been gone all spring and part of the fall. Did she really think that in all that

time, nothing would have changed? There was already someone at Easton working against me with all this Cheyenne crap--which

made my knees jellify every time I thought about it. I

didn't need my best friend working against me too. I shoved through the front

door of Hell Hall and jogged down the steps, feeling triumphant and clear for the first time as the cold air hit my face. I was going to

have a talk with Noelle. She couldn't go behind my back and change things up on me. I was president of Billings. She was just going

to have to get used to it. I was so focused as I strode across the rapidly darkening campus, I barely noticed Marc sitting on one of the

benches in the quad until I was right on top of him. "Reed, hi," he said, looking up from his French book. "Marc! Hey," I said, paus-

ing. The wind tossed my hair in front of my face and I tossed it back with a smile. I hadn't seen Marc since I had made the decision to

bump him up from number fifteen to number three on the F.Y.R. list. Now I felt as if he'd been placed in my path at the perfect mo-

ment. Not only was I high on adrenaline, but I was in definite need of a distraction.

"I'm just studying for a French test," he said. Pointing out the obvious again. "That's good," I replied. "What're you up to?" he

asked, standing. He was a couple of inches shorter than me, but still beyond cute with his dark hair and light eyes. He wore a gray

wool coat with toggle buttons over a burgundy sweater and jeans. Unlike the Ketlar boys, he was not too cool to realize it was freezing

out and that he could do something about it. "Have you thought more about the interview? Because I'd really love to get your thoughts

Tags: Kate Brian Private
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