Ambition (Private 7) - Page 53

kind of telekinetic power that could send her sprawling on her ass from across the room. Clearly, Hauer hadn't brought her in for ques-

tioning yet, or she couldn't possibly be so smug.

Or maybe she could. Who knew? The girl was a complete enigma. Noelle had been no help, and I assumed that the rest of the

Billings Girls would be mum about Ivy as well. If one member of my house thought something was big enough to keep a secret, that

usually meant they all agreed. But someone else at this school had to know something more about her. Someone who would be willing

to talk.


"I've been doing a lot of research on the subject, and the residents of Billings House have always sort of pushed the envelope

around here with the administration turning a blind eye. Why do you think they're coming down so hard on you now?" I stared at

Marc's digital recorder, which he held in front of my face. Suddenly I realized I should have given some thought to what he might ask

me and what I might say in return. But how was I supposed to concentrate on such things with so much going on around me? "Reed?"

Marc prompted. "Um... because the new headmaster is a repressed jackass who's probably never experienced a single moment of

unadulterated fun in his entire sad life?" I blurted. Marc looked at me, startled, then cracked up laughing. He doubled over and I felt a

laugh bubble up in my throat as well. Before long we were both laughing uncontrollably in the middle of the sunlit quad.

"Can I quote you on that?" he asked, his eyes glistening with merry tears. "Probably not a good idea," I replied, grabbing his

recorder and turning it off. It took a minute for us to regain our breath. It felt so good to laugh, I wanted to keep doing it all afternoon,

but then I saw something that brought me up short, and my mirth died. Just like that. It was Detective Hauer, and he was striding pur-

posefully across the quad a number of yards off. I glanced ahead, checking where he was going, and my eyes fell on Josh. Josh, who

was walking toward Ketlar, completely oblivious to the heat-seeking missile coming his way. All the blood rushed out of my head.

"Reed? Are you all right?" Marc asked, concerned. I didn't answer. Couldn't. What did Hauer want with Josh? The detective caught

Josh's attention, and Josh looked around for a moment, as if disbelieving that the man was talking to him. He looked so skittish, so

frightened in that moment, I just wanted to go over there and get between them. Protect Josh from whatever was about to happen.

Marc turned around and saw what had caught me so off guard. We both watched as Hauer led Josh back to Hell Hall. Watched un-

til they disappeared inside. "What's going on? Why would the police want to talk to Josh?" I said, breathless. "It makes sense. He and

Cheyenne were involved in that whole drug-sex scandal thing right before she died," Marc said pragmatically. "Maybe they think he

was holding it against her or something." "You know about that?" I demanded. Marc hesitated for a moment, as if snagged. Had he

been researching me and my past as well as Billings? "Doesn't everyone know about that?" he said finally. I supposed it was possible.

News did travel fast at Easton. Especially scandalous news. I decided to let it go. Especially considering there were more urgent mat-

ters at hand. "So you think he's a suspect?" I asked, my heart racing. " I don't," Marc clarified. "But they might."

"This is insane. I can't believe they're doing this to him again," I said, my words coming out in a rush. "The girl committed suicide.

Tags: Kate Brian Private
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024