Davy Harwood in Transition (The Immortal Prophecy 2) - Page 94

Gavin's head snapped up. Gregory paused in his cooking and Brown grew quiet.

Kates' eyes darted between all of us and she jerked her head. "What are you talking about? What are you guys doing?"

I narrowed my eyes. Something was wrong, very wrong. I stood up. "What did you do, Kates?"

Suddenly there was an explosion in the air, except there was no fire. Nothing blew up. No one was thrown backwards and no smoke filled the air, but I knew it was an explosion. I felt it and it staggered me. I fell backwards, but no one else did. They looked at me. In slow motion, I saw all of their different expressions. Gavin started to reach for me. Brown's mouth started to open and Gregory's eyes shifted over my shoulder. Kates never moved. She already knew. I turned my head slowly.

Roane walked into the room with a cocky swagger. His mouth was twisted in a smirk and his eyes held an evil glint. His hair was long. It reached below his ears and was tucked back. There was no fear in his eyes. There was nothing in his eyes. Then everything clicked in my brain.

This wasn't Roane. This was Lucan.

My eyes whirled back to Kates' and she looked away. She bit her lip and ducked her head down in shame. Then Lucan threw his arms out wide. "Hello everyone! It's good to see you all."

"What?" Brown looked at Gregory for explanation, but he and Gavin both couldn't move. They seemed frozen in place. As I tried, I found that I couldn't move either. Whatever had exploded in the air worked magic on all of us. Brown started to lift her hand, but I shot her a pleading look.

'Brown, don't move.'

Her eyes went wide. 'Holy crap, I can hear you!'

'Don't move.'

'Why? What's going on?'

'That's not Roane. It's his twin brother, his evil twin brother.'

'This is like a soap opera.'

'He used magic. None of us can do anything.'

'I can.'

'I think it's because you're human. So is Kates.'

'Davy, what should I do?'

'Nothing.' This was important for her to understand. 'He can't know that you have magic.'

'I don't have much. I think I used it all up.'

I closed my eyes in frustration for a moment. I couldn't tell her that the box inside her had closed again. 'Brown, this is really important.'

'What's going to happen?'

Fear started to creep into her thoughts and I felt it in her emotions. It began to choke her, but I couldn't think about that. 'He's going to take me. I don't know what he'll do to Gavin or Gregory, but I hope he'll let you go.'

'Davy,' she whimpered. 'I'm getting scared.'

'You have to get to Roane. Tell him what happened and that Lucan used magic against us. Tell him that Kates knew about it.'

Vampires came into the room behind Lucan. They swarmed everywhere, searching for something. A moment later, they returned with Wren and Tracey held captive. Both female vampires struggled against their captors, but it didn't make a difference. When they set foot in the kitchen, they were frozen like the rest of us.

Lucan clipped out, "Is that everyone?"

A vampire snapped to attention before him. "He's not here."

He let out a deep breath. "I don't know if I'm disappointed or relieved." Then he swung his dark gaze towards me. "Where'd your lover go?"

I narrowed my eyes at him and dared him to enter my mind. Whatever magic held my body immobile didn't affect my thoughts. As we stared each other down, I felt the Immortal rally in anger inside of me. She was angry and she wanted to hurt him. Rage filled me and I tasted revenge in my mouth. I didn't know what I could do, but I knew I could do something if he entered my mind.

Tags: Tijan The Immortal Prophecy Paranormal
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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