Dario's Jewel (Darios Empire 1) - Page 46

“Lucky for you my toy, that I did not permit you to wear panties, huh? They would be melted onto that saturated pussy.” No lie, I think as I stand before him, bare and shivering. He gets up from the seat and moves toward me, leisurely but with intense heat. I squirm, not in fear, but with need so visceral, I might fall to my knees and beg for release. He walks circles around me, not speaking or touching me and my skin prickles at his vicinity. “So, you thought it a good idea to argue with me about your safety?” Oh shit.

“No, Sir. I didn’t mean to argue, I just…”

“Shut the fuck up. You know the rules and you broke them. I just hope you are ready to pay for it. Get under my desk and don’t move.” Oh shit. Oh shit. I am thinking in my head. Even with these words I find myself walking to his desk like the good little girl I am. He watches as I do what he commands. I fight it for a moment, in disbelief that I am going to do this, but when I close my eyes, I become someone else. Someone who is safe enough to do this. I trust this man and I know he isn’t trying to demean me; this is who we are. I found myself when I found him, and I am not going to push against it.

Crawling under his desk, I come to my knees in this small space and wait. I don’t know how long it takes, but he finally sits in the chair. When he does, he slides under the desk and his dick is out, pointing toward my mouth, bouncing as it teases and taunts me, knowing my mouth is wet and thick with the need to taste him. His hand strokes himself. I can hear his grunts above me as he works himself up. My body sweats with hunger, a craving unlike my time on the street. This is more profound and gut wrenching. The more he strokes, the worse the pangs in my stomach become.

I watched transfixed as he revs himself up, no words spoken between us. Bringing me out of the trans if the sound of the buzz on his desk. “Mr. Lassiter, Mr. Garth is here.” Like the dirty girl I am, my body buzzes with the realization someone is going to be in here with us, not knowing I am under here. Does that make me bad? I hope so.

“Worship him and don’t stop unless I tell you to. And don’t make a fucking sound or you won’t talk for a week.”

“Yes, Sir.” Wasting no more time, I attack his dick like a hotdog.

“Shit,” he curses right before the door opens. My tongue ravishes his meat, loving every vein that pulses and the heat from his head.

“Mmm,” I moan almost jumping into the desk when he turns on the vibrator. My pussy is swollen and neglected, but she has never felt so loved. He coughs when my hands twist and massage is balls, covering as he tries to have a conversation with his client. I know I am supposed to feel punished down here, but I feel vigorous and energetic.

He shifts when I let my teeth graze him and I smile knowing I am messing with him. I hear bits and pieces of his meeting, but it is fogged by my euphoria, from both the beating my pussy is taking and the control I am sucking from him. His salty, thick cream begins to shoot out and coat my throat. I suck it from him like a shake through a straw and he rewards me by turning up the vibrator and letting me come. Forgetting where I am and that we have an audience, I cry out, my mouth still stuffed and fall into his lap, laying my head on him, gasping for air. He rubs my head letting me know I did good and right here, I find peace. That man is my everything and I will show him every day in any way, and I have.

Two days ago, he took me on a regular business trip with him to Georgia. He says he is going to try to take me everywhere he goes when it is out of town because he doesn't like to be without me and wants me to see the world.

While we were in Savannah, he introduced me to his college buddy Parker and his wife Felicity who owns a Tattoo Shop named The Tattooed Vixen. I don’t know what I expected, but it was different than anything I ever read about. It was elegant and spacious and beautiful. The ambiance was wealthy, yet welcoming. Felicity and I talked as she prepped the tools and asked me about the tats and their meaning. The old me would have shied away from the conversation, unsure about what to say and what not to. It’s amazing what security, love, friends and family will do for a person's self-esteem. I have moments of doubt, but I love him.

Tags: ChaShiree M Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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