The Vengeance of the Vampire Bride (Vampire Bride 2) - Page 141

“I was going to shoot them with my pistol,” Katya informed me proudly with her little smirk.

Laura pulled up her skirt to reveal a sheath. She patted the hilt of the dagger. “I was going to fight, too. ”

Tucked into Ignatius’s arms, I felt a wave of gratitude and love fill me. “You are truly wonderful friends. ”

“And now the House of Wright,” Ignatius pointed out.

“What?” Magda gasped.

Adem shook his head, chuckling. “Truly? We feared that Glynis would die tonight and instead she is granted her own vampire house?”

As he stroked my hair and held me tight, Ignatius explained all that had occurred. By the end of the tale, Adem was laughing and Magda was beaming.

“So we’re no longer Draculas, but Wrights,” Laura said proudly. “I am Laura of the House of Wright. ”

“So what is my title?” Katya asked excitedly.

“Katya, Servant of the House of Wright,” Ignatius informed her.

“That’s all? That’s not very fancy. ” Katya pouted.

Taking her hand, Laura kissed her cheek. “How about Katya, Servant of Laura of the House of Wright. ”

Katya pondered this, her fingers tracing over her throat provocatively. “Perhaps. ”

“Considering that you were willing to give your life for Laura, I’m sure we can give you a nice title. Perhaps. . . ” I thought for a moment…“Lady in Waiting to Lady Laura of the House of Wright. ”

“That I like!” Katya declared with gleeful delight.

Magda shook her head, partially annoyed. “I say we send her back to her father. ”

“Oh, shush, you. ” Katya scowled.

Laura bestowed a look of affection upon Katya that bothered me just a little bit. “I will not allow it. She will stay with me. ”

Burrowing my face into Ignatius’s neck, I clung to him as I listened to Katya and Magda bicker at one another.

I was home.

Chapter 35

The Journal of Lady Glynis Wright

December 7, 1820

The Dosza Palace

Just Before Dawn. . .

We are home at last. No one disturbed our journey through the streets of Buda and we are now safely ensconced within the Dosza Palace. This is now the home to me and my vampire house. It pleases me to no end. I have achieved a victory I had not expected and I am grateful to those who would have fought for me.

Though I am happy to be home, I am still disquieted by my interaction with Vlad. The moment when I almost lost my very essence to his power still frightens me. I can never allow myself to become the woman he desires me to be. Despite my initial joy at my victory, I am now struggling with my emotions as I consider what transpired between me and Vlad.

I gaze at the man I love and I worry that he thinks less of me. . .

“Do you forgive me?” I dared to ask Ignatius as I set my journal and pen aside.

His eyes were downcast as he slowly rubbed my feet. At my question, his gaze lifted to my face. “There is nothing to forgive,” he answered gently.

Tags: Rhiannon Frater Vampire Bride Vampires
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025