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The Rule Breaker

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He nods yeah.

"Okay, I'll accept it. But stop bringing it up." She looks to me. "And, I guess Luna hasn't been a guest for a long time. And she's definitely not a guest now. But why is she without a mug of coffee when yours is full?"

"I'm a bad host?" he asks.

"A bad roomie, I guess." She looks to me. "Is he?"

"Only if you mind listening to Smells Like Teen Spirit fifteen times a day," I say.

His hand brushes my lower back as he stands.

"Only fifteen?" Holden chuckles. "He's losing his touch."

Oliver grabs a mug from the top shelf, fills it to the brim, drops it at the table. "Black?"

"Of course." I wrap my hands around the ceramic. "Thanks."

"Don't thank me. You asked for this." He pulls out his cell. Taps the screen a few times.

And bam—Smells Like Teen Spirit fills the room.

"No. It hurts." Holden clutches his stomach. Doubles over like he's suffering a fatal dose of poison. "Anything but this."

Daisy giggles.

I shake my head. "Truly, cruel and unusual punishment."

"This is one of the most popular songs of all time," Oliver says.

"For psychological torture," Holden says.

"Please. You listen to KROQ," Oliver says.

"It's this, the Foo Fighters, and Red Hot Chili Peppers," Daisy agrees.

"And it's torture." Holden holds his hands over his ears. Makes an expression of mock pain.

"Is this really better?" Oliver taps the screen a few times and the room fills with The Cure. Lovesong.

"Thank god." Holden falls to the ground in a show of relief. "The torment is finally over."

Daisy's laugh gets louder.

Oliver looks to me. You believe this shit?

"They could work on their routine," I say. "It's a little obvious."

"Excuse you?" Holden jumps—actually jumps—to his feet. He raises a brow in mock outrage. "You're calling my material stale?"

"Very stale," Oliver agrees.

Holden looks to Daisy. "Baby, say it ain't so."

"I love it." She blows him a kiss.

He catches it. Presses it to his heart. Shoots me a glance I can't begin to understand.

It's something about me and Oliver. Being hypocrites? Needing to keep this a secret?

Doing a good job playing along?

I haven't got a clue.

But, god, it feels good seeing them. Even Holden. He's actually… funny. And sweet.

And it's incredibly obvious he makes her happy.

She's beaming.

"I hate to say it, Oliver, but this is so much better." She shoots her brother an apologetic look. "Go easy on Luna. A girl can only listen to so much mumbling."

"Yeah, Ollie." Holden scoops leaves into a mug. "You don't want to go too hard on Luna."

Daisy doesn't catch on. Not this time.

But his intent is clear.

It's only a matter of time until she sees it too.

Chapter Thirty-Eight


Daisy gushes as she sips her chai latte. First, about the tea itself. Then the man who made it. Isn't Holden the best? Cute, funny, an excellent tea-rista. What more could you want in a man?

Then her classes. Berkeley. The ice cream place down the street.

Back to Holden and his party and his gorgeous green eyes. Have we ever seen eyes that beautiful?

"Is that what brought you here? Holden's rager?" Luna asks.

"Well… it was more a crime of opportunity," Daisy says. "Sarah is obsessed with Disney. And they have some Halloween thing. It's huge. So I seized the day." She laughs. "And, I, uh…" Daisy turns to Holden. "I forgot my costume."

"No." He presses his hand to his heart with mock hurt.

"Sorry." Her expression is apologetic. "I'll make it up to you. I promise."

"Stop there." Before I need to bleach my brain to remove the mental images.

Holden stands. Offers her his hand. When she takes it, he pulls her into a tight embrace. "That sets our plans for the morning."

"Oh?" she asks.

He nods yeah. "Gonna buy you a costume. And I get to pick."

"You get to pick?" Daisy's expression fills with horror.

Luna chuckles. "She picks. But you can have veto power."

"How is that fair?" Daisy asks. "It's my costume."

"You know you want to wear something sexy," Luna says. "You only have—"

"We're leaving Sunday night." Daisy looks up at her boyfriend. "It's not enough time."

"Not even close," he says.

"And you two can go fuck at his apartment after we hang out," Luna says. "Costumes. Then lunch. Then—" She motions whatever you want to do.

"Okay." Daisy blushes. "I'll be good."

"I'm not making any promises," Holden says.

For once, it barely annoys me.

She's here and she's happy.

That's fucking everything.

"What was the original plan?" Luna scans a row of supernatural costumes. Angels, devils, witches, vampires. She nods to the vampire king. Winks at me.

It's not the time or the place, but my cock doesn't give a fuck. It already wants more of her.

Here. There. Anywhere.

I have some self-control. I can wait until we're alone. Even if it's been hours.

The incredibly long breakfast. An endless stop for tea. Yes, the coffee was great. I can still taste it on my lips.

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