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The Rule Breaker

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And even though my sister is four feet away, all I can see is the lipstick marking Luna's takeout cup.

Red on white.

The taste of mint and coffee and Luna.

"No one knows the plan until the big day," Holden says. "Since the plan is off…"

"No, will you really take this secret to your grave?" Luna holds her hand over her heart, mock hurt. "I can't live like this. Always wondering… what were Holden and Daisy really doing for Halloween?"

Daisy chuckles. "Don't make me laugh. I have to focus."

"Don't focus." Holden pulls her closer. Motions to the wall to our left. The lingerie costumes. "Dress as a nurse."

She blushes.

Luna chuckles. "If you're going for porno costume, you can do better than nurse."

"I'm only getting started," Holden says.

"What about a school girl?" Luna points to an impossibly short plaid mini skirt, button-up crop top combo.

"How is school girl better than nurse? It's even more obvious porno?" Holden asks.

"But it suits Daisy so much better." Luna motions to my sister. "She's so sweet and innocent."

"And she never stops talking about books," Holden says.

"Uh, isn't this my costume?" Daisy asks. "What makes you think I want your opinion?"

"Ouch," Luna teases Holden.

"I'm pretty sure she meant you," Holden teases back.

"Both of you. Cut it. Or I'll send you to the corner," Daisy says.

"Are you going to punish me for that?" Holden asks.

Luna chuckles. "He really is incorrigible."

"I'm right here," I say.

Daisy turns to me and mouths sorry. But she still nestles into Holden's chest.

From a certain angle, they're adorable. And it's obvious he loves her.

But I'm not ready to give him credit for more than that.

"Well, I'm sure we'll never match the glory of your original idea," Luna says. "Both of you going as Robert Smith." She winks at Holden. "You would have looked fierce in black eyeliner."

"I was going to do charcoal," he says. "More my color."

"Sure," Luna agrees, "but the whole point of the goth aesthetic is that it's not your color."

"Smart friend," Holden says.

"I don't see you as Robert Smith," Daisy says. "No matter how many times you play Lovesong."

"Can you believe this." He releases her. Reaches over his shoulder. To his back. "This knife… you're twisting it."

"Don't even." Daisy laughs as she moves to his other side, takes his hand, slips it over her shoulders. "I'm exhausted, and I just got here. I want something easy."

"Easy and sexy?" he asks.

"The sexy ones are easy," Luna says.

"What do you like, Daise?" I ask. "What would you do if Holden wasn't in the picture?"

Holden makes a noise that can only mean bet you love that possibility, but he doesn't say anything. Just shrugs. "Besides cry into your pillow from the loneliness?"

"Could I really get past that?" She smiles.

He gives her that I love you and I'm going to make love to you look.

"Ugh, save it for later," I say.

"I have to second that," Luna says. "Although… maybe we should stop expecting otherwise." She turns to me. "Can you distract him?"

Distract Holden?


What can I say to the guy? Yeah, it's obvious I'm fucking Luna, so I can't really give you shit for fucking Daisy, but I'm not over it?

Is it obvious?

Does he know?

I can avoid the topic for five minutes. "You need a costume too, don't you?" I ask him.

"Uh-uh. Me and you, kid." He holds Daisy close. "Joint costume."

"You trust me?" She looks up at him. "I'll pick something you'll like."

He pulls her into a tight embrace. Thankfully, it's a fast kiss. He releases her. Motions five minutes.

Follows me to the other side of the shop. The superhero aisle. Not that either of us is in need.

He studies me. Looking for something.

Cracks maybe.

Or maybe it's friendly. Maybe I'm the asshole here.

"She's doing well," I say. "It's good to see."

He nods yeah. Motions to Luna and Daisy as they squeal over skimpy costumes. "They're the same as ever."


"They're good friends."


"She needs that."

Fuck. He does know. Or he suspects. I'm not sure. I swallow hard. Try to ignore the implication. There's something else on my mind. And I need Holden on my side for it. "Remember that keychain you gave Daise?"

"Luctor et emergo? Of course. Gotta tempt my girl to the dark side." His eyes flit to the Latin on my forearm. He taps the spot on his chest that reads danger is sweet in Latin. Covered by his t-shirt at the moment. "I won't even show mine off."

"Latin quotes or tattoos?"

"Both." He looks to Daisy with a proud smile. "She wants it. She's just not ready."

"What if she is?"

For the first time in forever, we exchange the kind of look we used to. Like we're partners in crime. "What do you have in mind?"

"I asked my two o'clock to move. And I promised Luna I'd give her the real thing—"

"You think she'll do it if her friend is doing it?"

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