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The Rule Breaker

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"Worked for you, didn't it?"

He laughs yeah, right. "You couldn't have kept me away." His gaze fixes on Daisy. "She'll probably say no. But she'll love that you offered."


But a deal's a deal.

Chapter Thirty-Nine


After we pick out the perfect couple's costume for Daisy and Holden (Hogwarts's students, from Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, respectively. Okay, so it's not a perfect costume, but options are limited here. This is solid). We pile into Holden's car.

Drive in the direction of the house.

Turn at Ocean.

Stop in front of Inked Love.

"No." In the front seat, Daisy squeezes Holden's arm.

I turn to Oliver. Raise a brow. Really?

He nods really.

Fuck, I want to touch him. To undo my seat belt, climb over the middle seat, slide into his lap.

He stares back at me, his clear blue eyes equal parts dare and demand and don't even think about it.

We can't.

Of course we can't.

No matter how much I want to.

"I don't know, Holden." Daisy's voice softens. "I'm not sure—"

"Just try the temp," he says.

She bites her lip, considering it. She wants it, but she's scared. Of the permanence, the pain, the possibility for irony.

Luctor et emergo

I struggle and I emerge

It's powerful and beautiful and tempting fate.

I guess Oliver knows that better than anyone.


"It's been two weeks." My eyes fix on Oliver's. "You promised."

"Fuck, he did promise. I was there," Holden says.

Was he? I don't remember. I don't care. I don't care about anything but marking my skin forever.

Oliver marking my skin forever.

"Please." My voice drops to the tone I use when we're naked. It's too much. Too needy. Too desperate. But I don't care. "You promised."

"Oh. The Lorde lyrics." She whispers something to Holden.

He whispers back.

"No, it does not mean I also have to get a tattoo." She laughs. "But nice try."

"Just the temp. See if you like it." He leans over and kisses her.

But I barely notice. I'm too glued to Oliver. "You promised."

"Fuck, you said it three times. That's the magic number." He chuckles, but it doesn't ease the tension in the car.

It's too small a space. I want to touch him.

I need to touch him.

And kiss him.

And scream yes, every yes forever to the entire world.

"Okay." She kisses him again. "Just the temp."

Oliver turns to them. "This sounds way too familiar."

"You think I've pulled that just the tip shit?" Holden asks.

Oliver's face turns red.

Daisy reaches for the door. "Do you really want to continue this conversation?"

"Honestly, that doesn't sound like Holden," I say. "Sure, he's incorrigible."

"Is that the word of the day?" he asks.

"But he's upfront. More likely to say baby, sit on my cock." Shit. Why am I still talking?

"Oh my God." Daisy steps out of the car. Shoots me an I told you that in confidence look.

Holden laughs, proud of starting a scene, as usual. And proud of his uh… virility. "Thanks for believing in me." He steps out of the car. Goes to his girlfriend.

I shoot Ollie a sorry. "It's true."

He nods probably. "But not another word or—"

"You're blackmailing me because you'll do it? Really?"

"A promise is a promise."

I throw my arms around him. It's reflex. I can't help it.


"I know. But it's… I would hug you here. Normally. And they're not."

"Fuck, I miss you. How can I miss you when you're right here?" He holds me close for a second. Then he releases me. Stares into my eyes with a look of pride and affection. "You're really sure?"

"I've never been more sure."

"Then you're on."

I'm not sure.

I'm not even a little sure.

The needle is enormous.

It's going to hurt. I've been here enough times to know that. I've heard enough low grunts to be sure.

"Damn, Luna," Holden leans against the wall, not at all reassuring. "That's a lot of shading. It's going to be a bitch."

"He's been trying to sweet talk me for the last twenty minutes." Daisy shakes her head. She holds up her arm. Marvels at the temporary tattoo on her skin. "A lot about how I can handle it."

"You can." He squeezes her hand. "You can handle a lot, baby."

Oliver cringes. "One more word and you're leaving."

He didn't mean it like that. It's sex on the brain.

Although it is Holden. Maybe he did.

According to Daisy, he is massive. Sure, she was a virgin. She didn't have a frame of reference.

But I trust her take on it.

And I—

"Don't move." Oliver presses his palm into my shoulder, pinning me to the chair. He's not doing it as some kind of role play. Or because he's going to fuck me. Or make me wait as he strips.

We're not going to fuck in this chair.

Or in the office.

Or on the counter.

Or at all. Until Daisy is back at Berkeley.

I'm not here to have my way with him.

I'm here because this is really happening.

Oh my god, it's really happening.

"Are you sure?" Daisy's gaze flits to the needle. "It's forever."

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