My Saving Grace (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 1) - Page 24

“He was terrified he had lost you.”

She nodded. “I don’t remember a lot after. My mom was there, I was in a blanket, my dad was yelling. The police asked a lot of questions. Lana’s mom was crying. Finally, they took me home.” She met my eyes. “I had nightmares for weeks—months, even. I couldn’t sleep without the light. And it took a long time and counseling before I could be in a place without windows.”

I lifted her hand to my mouth. “Gracie, my darling—how awful. What happened to the cousin?”

“I have no idea—my parents told me she would never come near me again. Lana never saw her either, from what I understood. Our friendship sort of fizzled out. Her parents felt terrible, and my father never got over his anger. It wasn’t a good combination. I heard they had moved, so we didn’t even see each other at school anymore.”

“Your father is very protective of you.”

A small grin played on her lips. “You have no idea.” Then she sighed. “So, elevators and closed, dark spaces are still an issue. I’m better than I was. I can actually get in an elevator now as long as I prepare myself. Walk-in closets are okay as long as there is a light and an open door. But I will never be completely comfortable in small spaces.”

“I understand.” I drew in a deep breath. “I’m sorry for pushing you yesterday.”

“You didn’t know.”

“I do now. Going forward, I will do better.”

For a moment, there was silence. “Will we be going forward?” she asked quietly.

That was the million-dollar question. “Gracie,” I began.

Her gaze met mine. “Jaxson.”

“I broke every rule there is in the company the past while. Every rule I have ever abided by in my professional career.”

“Do you regret it?” she asked.

“No. Not a single bit.”

“So, it wasn’t just a thing?”

“You think I’m the sort of man who lets his student blow him and walks away?” I asked.

She sighed. “Jaxson, we were both caught up in the moment. I’m a big girl. I get that.”

I held up my hand, stopping her. “No. That is not what happened. You captivated me the moment you walked into my office, Gracie. I have been fighting against the attraction ever since. Tonight was me giving in.” I frowned in worry. “Was that all tonight was to you? A passing moment?”

“No. Not at all.” She glanced away, suddenly shy. “I’m not that woman, Jaxson. I don’t sleep with my boss. I don’t give blow jobs in the office.” Color saturated her cheeks.

“I don’t have relationships with people I work with.” I paused. “Or anyone else.”

She looked startled. “I—”

I took her hand, lifting it to my mouth. “You’re different, Gracie.”

“I am?”

“Yes. How, why, and what happens in the future, I have no idea, but all I know is you’re different. But I can’t promise you anything. Can you accept that?”

“I can. But, Jaxson, how is this going to work?” She fretted. “The nonfraternization policy at the office.” Her eyes widened. “I could be let go. You could be fired.”

“No one is going to find out. We would have to be careful. Especially right now while we work together.”

“So, we hide.”

“We’re circumspect.”

“I’m your dirty little secret.”

“No. You’re nothing of the sort. You are far too special to ever be that.” I ran a hand through my hair in vexation. “Don’t ever refer to yourself that way. Do you understand me?”

She traced her finger over my cheek. “What am I, then?”

I sighed, leaning into her touch. “This is all new to me, Gracie. I have never acted this way. Felt this way. I need some time to figure it all out.”

“How do you feel?”

“Out of control. I spin in circles when you’re close.”

She edged closer, our bodies pressing together. “I feel dizzy when I’m near you.”

I pulled her onto my lap. “Then we’ll hold each other up.”

She grinned up at me. “I’ve been here before.”

“I plan on you being there a lot.” I palmed her ass. “You fit perfectly.”

She laid her head on my shoulder, and I rested my chin on her head. “There are a hundred and one reasons we shouldn’t be together. We’re opposites. We’re at two different points in our lives. My course is set, and you’re just beginning yours. I’m too old for you. Too cynical and jaded.”

“You forgot opinionated. Fussy. And domineering.”

My lips quirked. “That too.”

“You hate pants.”

I chuckled. “I don’t hate pants.” I stroked her curves. “Do you have any idea how amazing your ass looks in these pants? I’ve had a perpetual hard-on all day. Between the pants and the sexy lace on your blouse, I was a goner.”

“Ah, that’s why you were so cranky.”

“Shut it.”

She lifted up her head. “Okay. So, you’re old and cranky but like my ass. What else?”

I groaned. “I’m your boss.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Vested Interest - ABC Corp Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024