My Saving Grace (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 1) - Page 33

He grinned and pushed up the glasses sliding down his nose. “You look stunning. That dress was a find.”

I curtsied low. “Thank you, kind sir.” I grinned. “The office looks great!”

“I bet we’re going to win.”

“Of course we are.” Jaxson’s voice startled me, and I turned, gaping at him.

For a moment, the office was silent. Three sets of eyes roved and assessed. Two were shocked, unable to believe what they were seeing.

Jaxson stood in front of us, dressed in the elegant, fashionable garb of the late 1800s—matching the theme Michael and I had planned perfectly. From his breeches to his cravat, including his scowling countenance, he was the textbook specimen of a broody duke. The cut of his claret-colored tailcoat clung to his broad shoulders. A stylish waistcoat hugged his torso. His black boots were polished to a high gloss. The navy of his breeches was set off by the snowy white of his shirt, and the color was echoed in his cravat. The haughty set of his shoulders and chin made him my own personal fantasy come to life. He carried a walking stick. He looked sexy, elegant, and powerful. He took my breath away.

Jaxson’s eyes took in my outfit. They lingered on the neckline, following the deep vee softened by the lace. I saw the flare of heat in his eyes before he grinned. “My lady,” he intoned with a deep bow.

I held back my giggle. “Your Grace.” I dipped into another curtsy.

“Should I ask how you managed to fit that on a bus?” He indicated my wide skirt.

I returned his grin, feeling giddy. I couldn’t believe he had dressed up. That he had kept his costume secret. It was so authentic; he must have worked hard to get it all together. And I knew, somehow, he had done it for me.

“I changed here.”

“Good plan.” He turned to Michael. “Turn down the lights and give the place a little more ambiance. Fire up those lanterns. Light the pumpkins.”

Michael blinked. “Okay.”

Jaxson rubbed his hands together. “I brought candy to give out.”

Michael’s shocked expression said it all. “You brought candy,” he repeated.

“Yes. None of the other offices planned that. I checked. And no one else had a theme. We’re taking all the prizes this year.”

Michael and I exchanged a glance. He looked at Jaxson. “Have you been drinking?”

Jaxson drew back his shoulders. “Nope. I just want to win.”

He turned and walked into his office, the tails of his coat lifting and showing off the spectacular ass his breeches were hugging.

Once again, I understood his dislike of my pants.

Chapter 11


Michael was beaming as he donned his coat. “Great haul.”

I chuckled. We had won for best teamwork, best office, and Jaxson won best costume. He had acted the part of a duke all day, his language in keeping with his character. The office was busy with people coming in to see our costumes and admire them. I think they were all shocked over the fact that Jaxson had participated. Their expressions were amusing.

“Are you sure you don’t want this?” Michael asked, holding out the certificate for dinner.

I shook my head. “I’m not a sushi lover, and I know you are. You and Larry go and enjoy.”

“You could have my spa day,” he offered halfheartedly.

“I have one of my own. I’m good.”

He glanced at Jaxson’s door. “I wonder if he’ll use the hotel package.”

I shrugged. “I would think so.”

“I wonder who he’ll use it with,” he mused. “I can never keep up with his women.”

I tamped down the stirrings of jealousy. I hated thinking of him with anyone else. I had never felt so possessive of a man until now. The thought of him touching someone else, kissing them, taking them away for a weekend, made me see red. I had to duck my head and collect myself.

“No idea,” I mumbled.

“Well, enjoy the wine,” he said, buttoning up his coat.

I had won third place for best costume. The wine basket was filled with tempting treats and some interesting-looking vintages I was looking forward to trying.

“I will. See you tomorrow.”

He left, and the low hum of Jaxson’s voice ended in his office. I glanced up to find him leaning back in his chair, studying me.

“My lady,” he quipped. “A moment of your time.”

I stood, the silken swish of my skirts brushing against my legs. I sat carefully in front of his desk, the material bunching around me.

“You should have won first prize.” Jaxson traced a finger over his lips. “You are stunning.”

“I didn’t have the wow factor.”

“The wow factor?”

I winked. “Everyone was so shocked you dressed up, you have to add in that factor to the equation.” I paused. “Why did you? Dress up, I mean?”

He tugged on the cravat, loosening it around his neck. “I overheard you and Michael planning. You sounded so excited, I guess I wanted to be part of that excitement.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Vested Interest - ABC Corp Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024