My Saving Grace (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 1) - Page 62

“Not a stranger,” he said, letting me know I had spoken my thought out loud. “How are you feeling, darling?”

“What the hell are you doing here?”

“Until a few moments ago, I was sleeping. You must need some Tylenol. Let me get it for you.”

“Don’t bother. I meant, how the hell did you get into my bed?”

He smirked, lifting one leg up to his chest and reclining back with his hands beneath his head. He looked too handsome and far too comfortable for this situation.

“Since this is my room, you’re the one in my bed.”

I looked around, seeing he was right.

“What the hell happened?”

“I would think that was obvious.” He indicated the torn condom wrappers. “We had sex.”

I gaped at him. “Why did I have sex with you? I don’t like you!”

He leaned forward, his blue eyes bright in the dim light. His smile was wicked, and I wanted to wipe it off his face with my fist. “You really liked me last night. At least three times.”

We’d had sex three times?

“At least,” he confirmed. “I’m not counting the orgasm in the car, and I think I missed one other fuck. Against the wall, I think.”

I was stunned. I stared at him, horrified. I had slept with my boss. Again.

“I can’t believe I did that,” I mumbled, gripping the blanket.

“That’s not the only thing you did, darling.”

“What could be worse?”

He studied me closely. He indicated my hand gripping the blanket.

“You married me.”

A thin, too-tight band encircled my ring finger. He held up his hand, showing me a matching ring.

“How about that for clichéd, Mrs. Richards?” He smirked.

The room spun, and my stomach heaved.

The last thing I remembered was his shout before the floor rushed toward me.

Unconsciousness had never been so welcome.

Chapter 21


I caught her before she hit the floor. I laid her on the bed and carefully brushed her hair back from her face. She was pale, exhaustion evident under her eyes, and the shock of what I had said to her too much to handle.

Christ, I had fucked all this up.

I hurried to the bathroom and got a cool cloth, a bottle of water, and some Tylenol, then returned to her, wiping the cloth gently over her face.

“Gracie, darling. Come back to me,” I murmured, relief flowing through me as her eyes fluttered open. I pressed the bottle to her lips. “Sip.”

She swallowed, allowing me to press two pills to her mouth. “Again.”

She watched me, her eyes confused and blurry. I shouldn’t have let her drink so much. Except it was the one way to get her guard down. To get her to admit to her feelings. To get her to marry me.

My watch started beeping, and I grimaced. “I hate to tell you this, Grace, but we need to get moving. We have a plane to catch.”

She sat up instantly, pushing me away.

“Careful,” I warned.

She ignored me and stumbled to her feet. She stopped, bent over, and gripped her knees.

“A shower will make you feel better.”

“Getting away from you would make me feel better,” she snapped.

“Sorry. Not happening.”

She brushed past me. “Annulment.”

I smirked as she walked away, unable to resist gazing at her ass. It was full and curvy, and I liked how it moved as she walked.

“Sex,” I responded. “We had sex. Lots of it.”

“It doesn’t count if I don’t remember.”

“I remember.”

She spun on her heel and glared at me. Despite her anger and exhaustion, she was gorgeous. “Then forget it. Pretend it never happened. You’re a lawyer. You lie. You told me that yourself.”

I shook my head. “I was lying.”

She frowned. “What?”

“I was lying about lying.”

She rubbed her head. “No, you’re lying now.”

I kept my face straight. “No.”

“We’re getting a divorce, then.”


“Yes, we are.”

“What happens in Vegas isn’t staying in Vegas. It’s following us home, Gracie darling. You’re my wife. You’re staying that way.”

I was sure the slam of the door hurt her head far more than it hurt my feelings.

She was silent all the way to the airport, holding her head in her hand. We were both unhappy to find the flight was delayed but had no choice but to hang around the airport. In the lounge, I gave her some more Tylenol. She was only able to choke down a few sips of her coffee, and I finished it off for her when she pushed it away.

“Tastes great.” I smacked my lips, hiding my shudder. I really didn’t want any, but frankly, I needed it.

“I’m surprised a coffee snob like you is drinking airport swill.”

I leaned close. “Your lips touched the cup, Gracie. It’s almost the same as kissing you.” I took another sip. “Sweet.”

I was certain I heard a muffled scream as she pushed past me and headed to the ladies’ room. I met the eye of an older woman and grinned. “My wife is displeased with me.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Vested Interest - ABC Corp Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024