The Crush - Page 79

Nathan grabbed my hand and squeezed it. “Lord, bless this table and this family. Thank you for everything you’ve given us.”

“Amen,” the four of us said together.

I let out a breath and began to relax now that Nathan and Phil were digging in. Jace, however? He hadn’t touched the food yet. I could still feel his eyes on me, even though I pretended to be focused on serving myself.

Chapter 22

* * *


Despite my nerves earlier, Thanksgiving had turned into a pretty calm day. After dinner, Nathan, Farrah, and I cleaned up while Dad watched football in the living room.

When Nathan left to join him, Farrah and I were alone in the kitchen. I knew for sure now that my feelings for her were just as intense as they’d been when I left. I tried my best not to get caught staring, but I couldn’t take my eyes off her. Farrah looked amazing in a form-fitting, tan dress and high heels that made her even taller than she already was. Her long brown hair was almost down to her ass. And what a beautiful ass it was—the perfect size. I had a lot of good memories with that beautiful ass.

I noticed her humming something. It was familiar. Squinting, I listened intently, determined to recognize the song. Then it hit me.

“That’s an Evanescence song.”

“Hmm?” She seemed startled by my interruption as she abruptly stopped wiping the counter.

“The song you’re singing.”

“I didn’t realize I was humming.”

“You were. It was that Evanescence song. What’s it called?”

She looked away. “‘My Immortal.’”

“Yeah. That’s right. It’s beautiful.”

She didn’t acknowledge my sentiment. Instead, she turned and continued what she’d been doing.

How the hell was I supposed to stay in Palm Creek and keep these feelings inside? The pressure to tell her how I felt was immense. When I was away, it was out of sight, out of mind. But tonight? It took everything in me not to unleash my feelings. The words were still at the tip of my tongue as I piled the last of the food into a Tupperware container.

Let me make you happy, Farrah. Give me another chance to be the kind of man you deserve. I promise I would rather die than hurt you again.

When the doorbell rang, my stomach sank. I knew she was expecting her boyfriend for dessert. I’d hoped he wouldn’t show.

Farrah left the kitchen to answer the door. Reluctantly, I followed her into the living room.

Nathan had already let Niles inside.

“Hey, how was your dinner?” she asked him.

“It was good,” he said. “I missed you.” When he leaned in to kiss her, I had to look away. It hurt more than the last time.

Seeming nervous, Farrah turned to face me. “You remember my brother’s friend, Jace.” Then she gestured over to my father. “And this is his dad, Phil.”

He offered his hand to my father. “Nice to meet you, sir.” Then he lifted his chin toward Nathan. “What’s up.”

“Hey,” Nathan droned, seeming just as happy to see this guy as I was.

Niles didn’t even make eye contact with me. That made me wonder if Farrah had mentioned our past. Either way, that didn’t stop me from glaring at him. I couldn’t help it. I wanted him gone.

He wrapped his arms around her from the back, which made me cringe.

“Hey, good news…” he told her. “Over dinner today we decided to spend Christmas in North Carolina. You’d better take some time off. You’re coming with us.”

Farrah blinked, seeming like she didn’t know what to say about that. So nice of him to offer her a choice about going.

“Whereabouts in North Carolina?” I asked, forcing him to acknowledge me.

“North. The mountains. We have a house there.” He looked over at Nathan. “You need to come, too. I know she’s not gonna want to leave your ass alone.”

“No, thank you,” Nathan said. “I’ll be just fine here. Don’t worry about me, Farrah, if you want to go.”

Farrah chewed on her lip. “I don’t know. I’ll have to think about it.”

I knew it had to be difficult for Nathan to concede to her leaving over Christmas. I was certain the idea of her spending the holidays out of state with this guy bummed him out.

“You won’t be alone anyway,” I said. “Dad and I will need a place to crash again. Christmas will be no easier for us than Thanksgiving. You’re stuck with us.”

Nathan’s expression brightened. “Sounds like a plan.”

Farrah thumbed in the direction of the kitchen. “I’m gonna get the desserts ready.”

After she left, Niles turned to Nathan. “Can I talk to you outside for a minute?” His voice was low.

Nathan shrugged and reluctantly stood up. “Uh…sure.”

What the hell is that about?

He’d better not have been bullying Nathan into taking that damn liquor store job again. It was interesting that he’d waited until Farrah went into the kitchen, like he didn’t want her to know he was accosting Nathan. My fists tightened. I wanted to punch him.

Tags: Penelope Ward Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024