Summer Sins - Page 53

He smiled down fondly at her. ‘And you did,’ he said. ‘And every day you will be stronger. Every day.’

An answering smile broke across her face, lightening the drawn look on her features. She broadened her smile to take in Armand’s parents, the priest and Lissa. And then Xavier. Her eyes widened. Armand followed her gaze and suddenly registered Xavier’s presence there.

He surged forward. ‘You made it! Maman said she wasn’t sure you’d get here in time, but you did it. I knew you wouldn’t let me down.’

He put his arm around his brother’s shoulder. ‘Come and meet her,’ he said. ‘Come and meet the woman I’m going to marry.’ He led Xavier forward.

His feet trod numbly. His whole body was numb. His mind was numb.

Shock was detonating through him in slow, silent motion. His breath was stopped in his lungs.

Armand was speaking again. ‘Lila, this is my big brother, Xavier. He likes to look after me—but he won’t need to do so anymore, will he?’ He threw an affectionate speaking glance at Xavier, then looked back to his bride again. ‘Now I’ve got you to look after me, haven’t I?’ He looked again to Xavier, and swapped to French suddenly. ‘This time you trusted me, Xav—and I thank you for it, from the bottom of my heart.’ He switched back to English, his smile embracing both his bride and his brother. ‘I am the happiest man in the world, Xav—and it’s because of Lila.’ His voice sounded constricted for a moment, then he recovered, stepping back.

‘I’m sorry, I’ve just realised—Xav, there is someone else for you to meet.’

He turned around and held out an inviting hand.

‘This is Lissa—Lila’s sister. She looks after Lila the way you look after me, Xav. And she’s been a fantastic sister—you don’t know how much.’ He took a deep breath. ‘But let’s leave all the talking until later. First …’ His eyes went back to Lila and softened. ‘First I have a bride to make my own.’

He took up a position beside the armchair, automatically taking Lila’s hand. Then he looked at his brother.

‘Will you stand beside me, Xavier?’ he asked.

On stiff, frozen legs Xavier crossed to where Armand stood.

And stood beside him. Beside his brother.

As he did so he realised that Lissa had slipped across to stand beside the bride. She stretched out a hand briefly, to touch the long, loose, fair hair, as if in benediction. Her ivory-coloured bridesmaid’s dress was a perfect foil to the simple white bridal gown of her sister. Xavier could not look at her. Could do nothing. Think nothing. He saw his mother and stepfather move slightly closer together, their faces wreathed in smiles. The priest cleared his throat, stepping forward and producing from his cassock a prayer book. He paused a moment, and then, his eyes locking with those of the bridal couple, began the service.

‘Dearly beloved, we are gathered today, here in the sight of God, to join together this man and this woman in Holy Matrimony—’

His sonorous voice sounded on. And still Xavier could do nothing. Think nothing. Nothing at all.

Because thoughts would not work. Not now. Not when the tide of emotion running in him was sweeping him away … so very, very far away. To a place he had never known existed.

The service was brief, a private ceremony for the bridal pair and family, but for Xavier it seemed to last for longer than he could endure. But endure it he must.

At the end of the service, as the priest pronounced the pair man and wife and his brother bent to kiss his bride—tenderly and lovingly, protectively and cherishingly—his mother and stepfather stepped forward. His mother stooped and placed her arms around her new daughter-in-law’s frail figure.

‘My dears, I am so happy for you both,’ she said, and her voice sounded choked.

Then it was Lucien’s turn. He bestowed a fatherly kiss upon her brow. ‘My son is a very fortunate man,’ he said. His voice, too, was rich with emotion.

As for Armand and his bride—their faces held all that a newly married couple’s should.

Xavier turned away. He could not look, could not watch.

When he turned, his eyes collided with Lissa’s. A basilisk stare. Killing him.

As Armand’s bride was welcomed into the family, Lissa came to stand in front of Xavier.

Deliberately she turned away from him, moving closer to Armand’s parents and her sister. Armand was bending down, scooping up his bride. She lifted her arms around his neck, her expression radiantly happy. There was a general movement towards the doors. Lucien opened them and let Armand go through first, followed by his wife accompanied by the officiating priest. Then he stood aside for Xavier and Lissa.

Like mechanical automata they walked through. But as Lucien closed the doors behind them and joined his wife and the bridal pair as they went into the dining room for the wedding breakfast, Xavier’s hand closed around Lissa’s wrist.

‘I must talk to you.’

His voice was as low as hers had been. But the emotion in it scorched like fire.

Tags: Julia James Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024