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Mr. Darcy's Kiss

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Whatever kind of trance she was in broke as soon as she saw me and she burst into tears. Giant sobs racked her body.

“He’s gone,” she cried. I had a hard time understanding her.

“What?” I moved the ice cream off the couch and opened my arms to hold her.

“He’s gone,” she told me, putting her head on my shoulder and letting me hold her as she cried. “Charles is gone.”

“What do you mean Charles is gone?” I asked, rubbing her back. “Why would he leave?”

Jane shrugged. “He says he has to build a hotel in New Jersey and that we shouldn’t be a couple while he’s gone.” She took in a deep, shaky breath, trying to compose herself but failing.

“I don’t understand,” I said. “He was supposed to be in New York all winter for the opening of his new buildings. Did that change?”

“No, he’s still here. He lied. I don’t know why, but he lied to me. He just doesn’t want me.”

“Jane, I’m sure that’s not true,” I replied. I thought of the goofy happy look on his face whenever he saw her. “He loves you. He must have something to do in New Jersey.”

“No, he doesn’t.” Jane sniffled and handed me the newspaper. “He just wanted an excuse to break up with me. He said we’re not a couple anymore.”

I looked at the article she was pointing to as a fresh wave of tears overtook her. It was definitely Charles, and he was definitely in New York City. The worst part was that there was a beautiful blonde woman hanging off his arm and looking up at him like he was the light of her life.

The caption under the picture said “New love interest? You decide!”

My heart broke for Jane. My own problems seemed so much smaller right now.

“I’m so sorry,” I whispered, hugging her close to me. Poor Jane simply cried, her heart completely broken.

I looked over at the article. I could hardly believe it. The article continued that Charles Bingley had recently taken up a new residence in Manhattan. I shook my head. Manhattan was not New Jersey.

I had thought the two of them were happy. I had thought they were the relationship that would make it. I was wrong.

> Yet another thing I was wrong about.

“You know what?” I said, an idea coming into my head. “Tomorrow is my day off. I’m taking you out for some shopping. We’re having a girl’s day out.”

“A girl’s day out?” Jane wiped at her cheek. Her beautiful face was splotchy and so sad.

“Yup.” I nodded, liking my plan more and more. “Just the two of us. We’ll talk smack about men and get our nails done. We’ll eat carb filled, fatty, clog-our-arteries-bad-for-us food and try on beautiful dresses just for fun.”

“I don’t know, Lizzie.” She sniffled. “It hurts so much. I loved him.”

I hugged her tighter. “I know. And I don’t know what he’s thinking. He’s an idiot for letting you go.”

She sniffled and cried into my shoulder.

“You know what, I’m going to go beat him up,” I announced. “Do you have a baseball bat I can borrow?”

“No, Lizzie, don’t do that.”

“No? I guess it would damage your baseball bat, and that’s not worth it,” I agreed. Jane chuckled a little, and it made my heart ache for her that much more. “Please let me try and cheer you up a little?”

“We can go out tomorrow,” she agreed. “I spent all day home today. I should find a way to get over him.”

“Good,” I told her, trying to keep my voice light. “Now, let’s put you to bed. Some sleep will do you good.”

Jane didn’t protest. She didn’t object when I gave her some sleeping medicine and sent her to bed. She went quietly into her room and turned out the light without a fight. Which only made my heart ache for her even more.

Love didn’t exist, I decided. It was all fake. It was all just a lie to get us into bed and break our hearts.

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