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Mr. Darcy's Kiss

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I took Jane’s spot on the couch and finished her ice cream because I needed the comfort.

Chapter 12

“That one makes your butt look amazing,” I said to Jane, checking out her form in the mirror. “Seriously, your booty is out of this world in that dress.”

Jane laughed and turned so she could see herself better in the mirror of the dressing room.

“I do have a pretty fabulous ass,” she admitted with a giggle.

“That’s the spirit,” I said with a grin. “You should try on the pink one next.”

“You mean the one with the slit down to here?” She pointed to her bellybutton. “No way.”

I raised my eyebrows at her. “You know you want to.”

She rolled her eyes. “I’d never actually wear it.”

“And you’d wear this one?” I pointed to her current dress. It was bright red satin and hugged every inch of her so tightly that only her skin color was left to the imagination.

“Good point,” she conceded. She picked up the pink dress and headed toward the changing room. She paused at the door, turning to look back at me. “Thank you for this, Lizzie. I’m having fun.”

“Good. My evil plan is working,” I teased, dry washing my hands like an evil mastermind. It made Jane laugh as she went to change.

I sat in the plush viewing area of an upscale dress store and sipped on a glass of champagne. Everything here was way out of our budget, but they didn’t know that. We had stepped in to look at the prices and see if anything was on sale when the attendant recognized Jane from her pictures in the paper.

Suddenly, we were set up in a private dressing area with champagne flutes. We decided to go with it and try on some of the more outlandish dresses. If nothing else, it was making Jane laugh.

“Holy mackerel,” I said as Jane stepped out. She looked like a model in a fashion magazine. “Wow.”

“There is no way I would ever wear this in public,” she announced, her hands hovering over the major slit running down the front of the dress. It showed off her cleavage and every curve of her body.

“You look hot,” I told her. “And you couldn’t wear that in public because the first man that saw you would lose his mind.”

“Lose his mind, huh?” She looked over in the mirror. “Maybe I should wear it to a hotel opening.”

“We agreed we aren’t talking about him,” I reminded her. “No men today. Just girl fun.”

She sighed. “Sorry.”

“Jane, repeat after me: No, you can’t have this. I’m far too good for you,” I said in my most dramatic voice.

She giggled. “I’m not saying that.”

“Do it,” I pushed.

“No, you can’t have this,” she said flatly. She giggled and finished with a little flair. “I’m far too good for you.”

“Not bad,” I said with an appreciative nod. “I would nominate you for an Academy Award, but you’d probably win, and you know how Lydia would feel if you got an Academy Award before her.”

“Win or lose, Lydia would kill me either way,” she replied with a laugh.

I looked down at my watch. “Shoot, we’re going to be late for our reservation.”

“I’ll go change,” she said, taking one last look at herself in the mirror.

“I’m far too good for you,” I repeated, using even more drama this time.

Jane stuck out her tongue at me and went to change.

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