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Mr. Darcy's Kiss

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I checked my phone for an update from Lydia while Jane was busy. Lydia was supposed to be doing some sort of photo-shoot work today. It was at a car dealership outside of town, but it sounded like honest work. She had already sent me two pictures of her in a bikini on an expensive looking car. It wasn’t my idea of work, but as long as Lydia was happy and getting paid, I didn’t object.

Jane came out of the changing room, and we snuck out of the store before the salesperson could pressure us to buy anything. I was tempted to pick up the pink dress as a surprise, but it was way more than I could afford on a whim. Still, it had been fun to play dress-up.

“Where are we going for lunch?” Jane asked as we walked along some shops. “I’m starving.”

“Here,” I told her as we came around the corner of the shopping center. I pointed to the fancy upscale restaurant before us.

Jane’s mouth hung open. She shook her head. “Lizzie, we can’t afford that.”

The restaurant was super fancy. It was the type of place that I suspected Mr. Darcy and his friends liked to visit as they made fun of the lower classes.

“You’re not supposed to,” I told her. “I’m buying it as a treat to make you feel better.”

“Lizzie, you can’t afford that,” Jane amended.

“We’re just going to get an appetizer and drinks,” I replied. “I have plans to pick up a pizza on the way home. But, I did want you to have something special.”

“Now that, I can get behind,” Jane said with a laugh. “I’ve always wanted to try this place.”

“Why do you think I brought you here?” I gave her a gentle shoulder bump. “I’m supposed to make you feel better. I thought this might help.”

Jane smiled at me. “You’re a good friend.”

“Sister,” I replied. “You know we’re sisters.”

Jane grinned and nodded. “Damn straight.”

Even though we weren’t all biological sisters, Jane was as much a sister as Lydia and I were. We’d grown up together and then practically adopted Jane when her parents died. She was a part of my family, and I would protect her and treat her like one. She certainly treated Lydia and me like her sisters.

Together we walked into the fancy restaurant with smiles on our faces.

“Hello, I have a reservation for Bennet,” I informed the hostess.

She scanned the book in front of her. Her finger paused on an entry, and her smile flickered for a moment before she looked up.

“I’m so sorry, but we don’t have your reservation on file,” she replied.

“We can just go-” Jane started to say, but I put my hand on her shoulder.

“You don’t have it?” I repeated. “You’re sure? I made it this morning.”

“I’m afraid it’s not in here.” She blinked rapidly, betraying the lie. “But, I can seat you at the bar.”

“That will work,” I said with a sigh. It wasn’t like we were eating an actual meal here, anyway. The bar would be fine.

“I’m so terribly sorry for the change,” she said with a practiced smile as she led us to a beautiful mahogany bar. Since it was past lunch, we had our choice of seats. Jane chose a small bar table near the window so we could look out over the city.

“I can’t believe they lost our reservation,” Jane remarked, picking up a drink menu.

“They didn’t,” I replied. “They gave our table away. I saw her pause where my reservation should have been. Someone more important stole our table.”

“No, I’m sure that’s not it,” Jane said shaking her head. “Mistakes like this happen all the time.”

“Jane, you are too forgiving,” I told her with a smile. “Let me buy you a drink.”

“A martini,” she said with a grin. She pointed to the menu. “This one sounds sufficiently fancy.”

“Coming right up,” I said, standing up. I walked over to the bar and ordered two martinis. While the bartender worked, I flipped through a menu for our appetizer options. The lobster ravioli with truffle butter sounded terrific.

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