Uncut Bundle - Page 45

She had been wrong to doubt any of them, Lisa realised, but where Tino was concerned she couldn’t think straight. ‘I’d love to.’ But there wouldn’t be another time, Lisa realised, giving Stella an impulsive hug. Breaking away, she ran across the beach without glancing back.

As the funicular took her slowly up the cliff Lisa noticed the three figures were still standing in the same place waving to her, but then her vision blurred and she couldn’t see them any longer.

As Lisa had suspected, the meeting soon reached a point where Tino’s presence was essential. No one breathed at Zagorakis Inc without his say-so—and time was running out. ‘I think we’ll have to call it a day here, gentlemen.’

‘My apologies everyone. I hope the meeting went OK without me?’

Lisa stared. Tino had just walked into the room as if he had never been away. ‘Yes, what a shame you missed it.’ She reached for her briefcase. Five days…five lousy days, were all they had agreed upon—and he couldn’t even make it past two.

‘That will be all, everyone. We will reconvene tomorrow.’

Lisa tensed as he took control, adding her own rider, ‘Yes, thank you everyone.’

As the men filed out Tino pointed to the chair she had just vacated.

‘The meeting is over, Tino.’

‘And I want to hear what went on.’

‘I’m sure one of your team will fill you in.’ Picking up her briefcase, she tried to move past him.

‘But I want you to tell me.’

‘OK, then, shut the door.’ She stayed where she was while he crossed the room to see to it. ‘You couldn’t even be bothered to make the meeting, so why are you so interested now in what went on?’

‘My interest in the deal has never wavered.’

‘Unlike your interest in our agreement?’

Leaning back on the door, he stared at her. ‘Stop this, Lisa. I called the meeting, didn’t I?’

‘So you should have been here when it started—except you couldn’t be, because you had to be somewhere else, somewhere more important.’

‘I thought it was agreed that we have no hold over each other.’

‘No hold over each other? So, that night we spent in bed was simply recreation for you—a little pleasure on the side? Didn’t you think there might be consequences?’

‘Consequences? Why should there be consequences? I took precautions.’

Lisa’s face flamed red. Tino was always top of the class where practicalities were concerned. He had wanted a few guilt-free hours of pleasure, of release—it meant no more to him than that. But was she any better? She had lost control, and now she had to pay the price—but not for very much longer. ‘You’ll have to find someone else to fill you in on the meeting, Tino.’

He stood aside to let her pass, but as she swept past he reached out and stopped her. ‘Are you coming to the dinner tonight?’

‘At the fish restaurant? No—I’m going to start my packing this evening.’ She stared coldly at his hand on her arm.

‘Of course, you must have a lot of things to pack. Would you like me to have some extra suitcases brought to your room?’

She reddened, second-guessing his thoughts. ‘I’m going to pay you for everything. It’s all—’ She stopped, feeling awkward.

‘Chosen with care,’ he murmured sardonically.

She knew that wasn’t true. Holding his gaze, she smiled faintly. They really were as bad as each other. ‘I can just imagine.’

‘So, we’ll meet again tomorrow morning?’

This time Tino not only stood back, but held the door wide for her, and Lisa felt that deserved a little information: ‘We may be able to sign before Friday—things went really well this morning.’

‘I shall have to confirm that with my team.’

Tags: Susan Stephens Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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