Outcasts (Badlands 3) - Page 65

“I’d shove most of those rich pretentious fucks inside the revolting prison cells the mayor has outcasts locked away in for simply seekin refuge. And beyond that, put someone more competent in charge of them, and tear that hideous wall down.”

“That’s an excellent fucking answer.” Romero grinned at me.

“If the wall comes down it’s ours,” Cobra cut in, his gaze shiftin to Katya and Blue as they joined us.

“That’s the beauty of it all. Walls fall down.” Rome smiled, one of those evil genius smiles when a grand scheme has come together.

“You’re going to tear it down?” Cali asked, dunking her granola in milk.

“We’ll be tearing it down,” Grimm corrected. “No one’s doing anything till Baby S is here. Can’t just run at a wall and expect it to crumble. In the meantime…” he trailed off lookin at me expectantly.

“What else do you need, Brat?”

“A cattle prod.” I was only semi-joking.

“We have three,” Romero confirmed.

It was pretty damn luxurious for a torture chamber.

The tools were organized behind a chain- link fence that sectioned off the massive room.

The bigger ones were placed systematically about. There were plush couches and a damn bar in the far corner. I think what may have been a stripper pole at one time had been turned into a shackle bar, currently where Vance sat in nothin but his drawers.

Noah was stomach down on a long wooden table with some sort of device holdin his head in place.

Rex was most certainly dead. Half his bloodied body was submerged in a metal tub of what looked like leeches. The wet sounds emanating from it made me shudder.

Cali had swapped her blue dress for a shorter black one and some knee high boots. She looked like she was ready for a shoppin trip, not to kill someone.

I, on the other hand, was wearin my same outfit from earlier, and Katya, who had opted to join us, was dressed down.

Blue was positioned comfortably on the other side of the room, beside Cobra. She looked at him the way he looked at Katya.

“She has us,” Cali said as if she’d just read my damn mind, struggling to pull a long metal contraption out of a chest.

“I think a good girl is what he needs,” I shrugged, conscious of the fact I’d just said that in front of Kat. She didn’t seem to care, which was really my point.

I wasn’t tryna be a bitch, but I genuinely felt that way. Good girls could be bad, too. Regardless

, Cobra deserved someone who would love all of him, lawd knows the man had issues that ran deep.

I turned and met Grimm’s eyes from across the room, blowin him a kiss. He tried to fight a smile and lost. I completely melted. I felt him watchin me twenty-four-seven and I loved it. He moved away from the bar and began makin his way over to us, Romero followin.

“Whoever she is will be getting her ass kicked by both of us if she dares ruin that smile always on his face,” Cali said, and looked right at Kat, provin she knew knew where my mind had been.

I scooted her out the way to get whatever she was struggling with, trying not to laugh. Her loyalty was iron-clad.

“I got it,” Grimm said, coming up behind me and embarrassingly easily, pulling out what looked like an extended pair of forceps with rusted metal teeth. He raised his brows at me.

“Now, you know full well your sister is the one who wants to play with whatever that is.”

“It’s a tongue puller. Had you curious did it, Pixie?” Romero grinned, helping Cali from her crouched position.

“Are you ready?” he turned and asked me.

I looked through the chain links at Vance and Noah. I was beyond ready.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Tags: Natalie Bennett Badlands Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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