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Highlander’s Captive (Highlander Trilogy 3)

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“A blister is all from lugging the buckets of water. Elsa put some of her special herbal cream on it and has assured me it will be fine. The fire has finally been extinguished, but clean up cannot begin until the last of the embers fade and the debris safely handled.”

Old Mary placed a gentle hand on Dawn’s shoulder. “Lila will do good.”

Lila smiled. “Now tell me. Is it true? Did the King truly wed you and Cree by proxy?”

Dawn wasn’t surprised that the news had spread so fast, and she smiled and nodded.

Lila reached out and squeezed Dawn’s hand. “I am so very happy for you.”

Dawn made several gestures that Wintra did not understand, though Dawn pointed to her, so she assumed that she was being discussed.

Lila stood and bobbed her head at Wintra. It is a pleasure to meet you, my lady.”

Stunned at being addressed so formerly and particularly as one of higher birth, Wintra stared at Lila for a moment before shaking her head. “I am Wintra and would much prefer to be called a friend.”

“Like Dawn and me, though we have been best friends forever,” Lila said with a smile to Dawn.

Dawn gestured something and tears gathered in Lila’s eyes as she interpreted. “Dawn says we are more like sisters.”

Wintra found herself envying Dawn. She had never had such a friendship. Her brother had been the closest to a friend that she ever had. The nuns at the abbey had been no more than companions and not very good one at that. Her thoughts suddenly turned vocal and she found herself admitting, “I have always wished for a sister, but with my da having died before I was born that was never a possibility. You are lucky to have each other.”

Dawn reached out and took hold of Wintra’s hand, squeezing it tight. Then she let go and gestured.

Wintra glanced helplessly at Lila.

“Dawn say she is so very happy to have you as a sister and not only a sister, but a best friend and that you two will share as sisters and friends do, as Dawn and I have done these many years.”

Wintra did not know what to say. Not only had she been reunited with her brother, but she now had a sister. And least she forget, she also had a husband as well. Again her thoughts rushed to her lips. “I have a family once again.” Tears sprung to her eyes.

Lila spoke as Dawn gestured. “Yes, we are family, and we will always be there for one another.”

The women talked and laughed and Wintra found herself enjoying their company. This was what she had missed in the abbey—family and friends. And being the women talked so freely and openly, she decided to ask a question that had been on her tongue for some time.

“Why did the King decide that Torr and I must wed?”

Dawn looked to Old Mary who had stood to rub her gnarled hands near the hearth’s flames and gave a nod. She understood the situation better than anyone, besides seeing and understanding beyond what others could.

“It is a convoluted tale, so I will explain as best as possible. Dawn is the daughter of Kirk McClusky and Ann Gerwan, wife of Roland Gerwan previous Earl of Carrick. She used Kirk to get with child, having been childless in her years married to Gerwan. When Lady Ann gave birth to Dawn and learned she had no voice, she knew Roland would suspect an affair with McClusky, since it was known that he had a daughter with the same affliction. She traded Dawn for a normal and beautiful baby—Lucerne. The King promised Cree land, title, and marriage to a noble woman in exchange for Cree’s conquering skills. He was to wed Lucerne. Cree, however, fell in love with Dawn and wanted to wed her. Dawn’s life was threatened, people started dying, and Lucerne acted wildly due to herbs Lady Ann had given her. In the end, many people had been affected by Lady Ann’s desire for power and wealth.

“The King had no choice but to right the wrongs. He had no problem wedding Cree to Dawn since Dawn was now considered of noble blood. But what was he to do for McClusky and the loss of his daughter Dawn all these years? To compensate, he gave Cree’s sister,” —Old Mary pointed a gnarled finger at Wintra— “you, to Torr, giving McClusky a new daughter and uniting two powerful clans that would no doubt serve the King well.”

Wintra did not know what to think and did it really matter? What was done was done and could not be undone. And did she truly want it any other way? Torr and she may have been forced to wed, but they had not been forced to love.

“She was going to remain here, but it proved more difficult than she had thought, and so Cree permitted her to return to the only place she knew as home, the keep of the previous Earl of Carrick. Lucerne will oversee the care and running of the place for Cree until he appoints a liegeman to take residence there.”

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