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Highlander’s Captive (Highlander Trilogy 3)

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“My brother is a good man,” Wintra said with pride and the other three women agreed.

“I must be going,” Lila said. “I left Thomas safe with the women who watch the children when an incident like this happens, and he needs to be fed. And no doubt Paul will be hungry after such a laborious chore.”

Dawn realized then that the two guards probably searched for her and Wintra and gestured that they should leave as well.

“You might as well wait,” Old Mary said to Dawn. “Cree is almost here.”

That had Lila hurrying to the door, but it flew open before she reached it. Cree stepped in, filling the small space with his potent presence.

Dawn started gesturing and Cree held up his hand to stop her. He then turned to Lila. “You have suffered a wound helping with the fire?”

“A mere blister, nothing more, my lord,” Lila said.

“Elsa advises me that you cannot work the wool until the wound properly heals. Find a woman who can help in the meantime.”

Lila bobbed her head. “Thank you, my lord.” With that she scurried past Cree and out the door.

Cree walked over to his wife and captured her chin between his fingers. “What do you not understand about being told to remain at the keep?”

Dawn ignored his question and thanked him for being so kind to Lila, though it had the affect she had hoped it would.

He let go of her chin, slipped his arm around her waist, and eased her close. “I knew as soon as I found out that Lila had been injured that there would be no stopping you from going to her. And now that you know she is well, we need to return to the keep.”

Dawn knew by the tone of his voice that he had more to say, but not here and now.

Wintra knew that tone as well and she worried that what he was not saying might concern Torr. “Where is Torr?”

“He is seeing to another matter and will join us as soon as he can,” Cree said.

Wintra went along with her brother and Dawn to the keep, but her thoughts strayed to Torr. Where was he? What was he doing? Was he in danger? Once in the Great Hall, she reluctantly took a seat and waited—much too long.

Warriors came and went, food was continuously being served and the gray skies darkened along with the day and rain began to fall.

Dawn had wisely seen how sitting doing nothing was causing Wintra to worry and she soon had her tearing strips of clean linen for bandages. It wasn’t until the table was cleaned and prepared for the evening meal that Wintra’s worry returned with a vengeance. Torr had yet to return and she was not just concerned, but fearful that something had happened to him.

When he finally entered the Great Hall, she could not stop herself from running to him.

He caught her in his strong arms and hugged her tight. “Miss me, did you?” He regretted his teasing remark when she turned tear-filled eyes on him. “What’s wrong?”

She sniffled back her tears. “I thought something had happened to you and that you would never return to me.”

“Princess,” he said and kissed her lips lightly, “the devil himself could not keep you from me.”

She sniffled again. “That is good to know since if the devil ever tried to get you, he would know what real hell is when I come after him to get you back.”

“Love me that much, do you?” he said, though this time he didn’t tease.

“More than you will ever know,” she whispered.

“Now that you have assuaged my sister’s concern, it is time we talk,” Cree said as he approached them. “What have you found out about Owen?”

“His troop grows, though he will be beyond Carrick borders in a day or so, which makes one wonder his intentions.”

Chapter Twenty-one

Wintra sighed for the third time. Torr had gone with Cree to his solar to discuss the situation and she had remained at the table with Dawn. That had been two hours ago and Wintra now sat alone. Dawn had grown tired and, with apologies to Wintra for leaving her alone, had retired for the evening. She was feeling the effects of the long day herself and decided that perhaps she would do better waiting for her husband at the cottage.

Her cheeks stained red when the idea of waiting in bed for him—naked—stirred in her mind. Could she do such a thing? Dare she?

Wintra stood, deciding to ponder the idea as she made her way to the cottage. The rain had stopped and the air was cold, and she would not be surprised if snow fell before morning. She hurried along, eager to seek the warmth of the cottage and to determine if she could actually strip and wait naked in bed for her husband.

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