Hero By Night (Independence Falls 3) - Page 27

His hair rinsed, Chad turned off the water and stuck his hand out. “Hand me a towel, will you?”

She slapped a towel into his hand. “Trish from the pizza place told Georgia that you nearly took Peyton Monroe’s head off for sitting next to her. Why would you take her out? You’ve seen her dog and the way she reacts when anyone gets near her.”

“I thought she’d like to split a pizza. Talk and get to know each other better.” Chad dried off. Wrapping the towel around his waist, he drew back the curtain. “Peyton and Tim showed up stoned and got a little too close. It spooked her, so I told them to back the hell off.”

“Hey, who called a family meeting and forgot to invite me?” Brody, the oldest of the four Summers siblings, leaned against the bathroom door frame, his arms folded to match Katie’s what-­did-­you-­do-­now-­Chad look.

“Chad took Lena on a date after I invited her to stay in the apartment,” Katie said.

Brow furrowed, Brody’s attention darted back and forth between them. “Lena, the woman with the dog? Georgia’s friend?”

“Same one,” Katie said. “The dog helps with her PTSD and the fact that she doesn’t like to be touched or let ­people close. How’s that working out for you, Chad?”

Pretty damn good considering that kiss last night. Sure, he’d given her one helluva orgasm before dinner, but that kiss had blown him away. But it wasn’t his place to kiss and tell.

“None of your fucking business, Katie.” Chad stepped out of the tub. “I left you alone to make your own decisions when it came to Liam, right? Because you’re a big girl. Well, I’m bigger and older than you, so leave me the hell alone.”


He stared down at his sister. “And don’t you dare write Lena off. She’s fighting her way back from something you and I can’t begin to understand. The only thing we can do is grant her the space and the respect she deserves. And if she wants to join me for dinner, well, that’s her call.”

“I’m not giving up on her,” Katie said stubbornly. “I’m looking out for her. The last thing she deserves is to fall for you.”

“You know, sis, some ­people find me charming.”

“You are charming. And sweet when you want to be.” She raised her hand, poking him in the chest. “But if you hurt her—­”

“I won’t.” Chad dropped his voice low. “Not that it concerns either of you, but I like her.”

“Katie, he’s right,” Brody said. “This isn’t your call.”

“I hate to interrupt.” Liam appeared in the doorway again. “But Lena’s here. In the kitchen. I offered her coffee and she asked about using the computer.”

Chad nodded. “I told her she could use the study. She needs to get online and the library is closed today. That won’t be a problem, will it?”

Katie gave him one last searching look. “No. I’ll get her set up.”

“When you’re done,” Brody said, shifting his gaze between Katie and Chad, “and when you’re dressed, we need to talk. About Josh. There’s been no change and we need to start making some decisions.”

Chad nodded. “I’ll find you in the kitchen.”

The bathroom door closed, leaving him alone with the realization that he meant those words. I like her. Their relationship might be a fraud, but he liked Lena. And he’d just locked them into this lie. It was too late to turn back now and tell the town, his family, and Eric Moore that it was a sham. Now they had to move forward with it, or stage a breakup. Either way, ­people would talk.

Chad rested his hands on the vanity and stared into the mirror. “I sure as hell better live up to my end of the bargain.”

AN HOUR LATER, Chad sat on the edge of his younger brother’s hospital bed, wishing he could take a quick ride in his helicopter. He needed to clear his head, not dive into what promised to be the first of many serious conversations for the day. And he refused to skirt the second one. When he got back to the house, he wanted to talk to Lena and learn more about what she’d seen and done while serving her country.

As much as he hated to admit it, Katie had a point. He couldn’t hurt her. And to avoid going down that road, he needed to know if he could fulfill his side of their deal without pushing too far too fast. Sure, she could always say no, but that might not be enough depending on what had happened overseas.

“Chad? What the hell, man? You look grim,” Josh said, sitting up in his hospital bed. Not much older than their little sister, Josh had the same red hair, green eyes, and pale skin. Chad and Brody had inherited their father’s brown hair and eyes, their skin not quite so pale. Although Chad suspected his baby brother’s paleness was due to the weeks spent lying in a hospital bed.

Josh had traded in his hospital gown for sweats and T-­shirt after waking from his coma, but he still wore the big white bandage around his head—­a clear and present reminder that he belonged here. The other reasons, the ones not visible, those were the ones they needed to talk about today.

“Did one of the nurses turn you down?” Josh added.

“He’s off the market,” Brody said from the chair beside the bed. “He’s dating someone.”

Josh’s red eyebrows shot up. “Chad? No shit. I thought you kept it casual. Never more than one night, afraid that every woman you date will walk out on you just like Mom abandoned Dad.”

Tags: Sara Jane Stone Independence Falls Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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