Bad Liar (The Reed Rivers Trilogy 1) - Page 47

“Let’s make sure all the horny musicians on your roster treat this young woman with respect and professionalism, okay?”

I sigh with relief.

“I know you didn’t get a good look at her as she was walking out of the lecture hall, but, trust me, she’s stunning. And as we both know, musicians aren’t always the most restrained members of the male species when it comes to beautiful women.”

I smile to myself. The same could be said of music executives. “Don’t worry,” I say. “Owen and I will make it clear to everyone: the newbie reporter is off-limits.”

“Thank you. Georgina has worked her way through school as a bartender, so I’m sure she’s quite adept at fending off horny heathens. But, still, it never hurts to remind everyone she’s there to do a job, and not to get hit on right and left.”

My blood simmers at the thought of any of my guys making a move on Georgina. But a couple of them, in particular. “We’re on the same page,” I say through clenched teeth. “I promise, CeeCee, if any of my guys hit on your summer intern, they’re going to have to answer to me. And, I guarantee, it won’t be pretty.”

Chapter 16


“He was such an asshole!” I say to Alessandra. And, of course, I’m talking about Reed.

It’s my graduation party. A few hours ago, while clad in a traditional cap and gown, I accepted my diploma, posed for a smiling photo, and became the first person in my family to graduate from college. And now, my small extended family and a few longtime family friends have gathered in my father’s two-bedroom condo in the Valley to celebrate.

At the moment, Alessandra and I are standing in Dad’s small kitchen by ourselves, sent in here by Aunt Marjorie to slice up the cake. But since this is Ally and me we’re talking about, we’ve long since forgotten our assigned task, and we’re doing nothing but gabbing, gossiping, and laughing together. All the things we always do when we get together, whether in person or on our phones—but especially in person. And especially when it’s been months since we’ve been together in the flesh.

Alessandra leans her slender hip against the counter, her blue eyes shining. The late-afternoon sunlight streaking through the kitchen window is bringing out the auburn highlights in her dark, curly mop and highlighting her glorious freckles. Her smile is as sincere and warm as ever. Her lavender aura every bit as peaceful and serene as usual—every bit as much as my blazing-red aura is fiery and passionate.

“Maybe you hurt Reed’s feelings and he was just, you know, lashing out as a defense mechanism,” Alessandra says, causing me to snort-laugh. “I’m serious,” she persists. “From what you’ve described of your chemistry with him, and the crazy fireworks that went off for you when you kissed... I don’t know, honey, maybe you’re underestimating the fireworks that went off for him.”

Again, I snort.

But Alessandra won’t let it go. “Even if Reed’s rich and powerful and older, and used to banging supermodels—”

“Actresses, mainly, I think. Probably models, too. But actresses and daughters of famous people seem to be in most of the photos with him.”

“Okay, whatever. My point is Reed is still a man. And men fall for you, Georgie. That’s a fact. It’s your superpower.”

I scoff. “Men want to have sex with me.”

“Only because you push them away emotionally, so they’ll take whatever they can get.”

The image of Shawn’s phone screen that fateful morning pings my brain. The memory of how I stumbled across those sickening strings of texts and photos—the exchanges between Shawn and several women that made it painfully clear he’d been running around on me for quite some time, with multiple women, when I’d been nothing but faithful and supportive. And, worst of all, he’d done it all while my life was falling apart and I needed his love and support and faithfulness the most. I feel a deep ache remembering my hot tears I shed that horrible morning... and then a glint of pride, even though I probably shouldn’t, thinking about that bad thing I did when my tears turned to fury.

“I haven’t always pushed men away emotionally,” I say. I run my fingertip through a blob of icing on the corner of the cake and slide my finger into my mouth.

Alessandra sighs sympathetically. “I know, honey. I’m just saying maybe it hurt Reed’s feelings, more than you realize, when he found out you had an agenda the whole time, so he acted like a dick to mask his hurt feelings.”

I put my palm up. “Okay, you gotta stop now. You’re crediting Reed with way too much humanity. The man thinks he’s a god among men, the immortal ruler of everything he surveys, and he was simply pissed I wasn’t falling at his feet like all the other mortal girls. I didn’t hurt his feelings, if he has them. Did I bruise his ego? Probably. But that’s it. Feelings weren’t involved for either of us. He made it clear from the start he wanted to bring me to his house for nothing but sex, and I made it clear I was super down for that plan. The End.”

Tags: Lauren Rowe The Reed Rivers Trilogy Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024