Echo (The Soul Seekers 2) - Page 72

How can I possibly get to him when he’s under Chepi’s round-the-clock surveillance?

I heave myself off my bed and move toward the window. Tapping a finger lightly against the feather trim that hangs from the dream catcher over the sill, I gaze at the courtyard beyond. The thick layer of freshly poured protective salt, the coyote fence made of tall pieces of juniper branch, and the thick adobe wall that surrounds the entire property. Remembering a time just after I got here, when I used the strange setup as a reason to run—having no idea just how much it would come to serve and protect me.

I consider sneaking out, tossing a saddle on Kachina, and finding my way to Dace’s window, but Dace isn’t the only one under surveillance. Having decided to heed Leftfoot’s warning to keep Dace and me away from each other, Paloma’s spent the past few days keeping serious tabs on me. There’s no way to escape without being found.

I watch as the sun begins to sink, painting the sky a brilliant orangey hue.

I watch as my cat creeps across the fence, pausing a moment to look my way, before crouching low and leaping onto the street.

I watch as a raven swoops onto a branch, taking a moment to settle as a gentle wind stirs and ruffles its feathers.



It’s so obvious, I can’t believe I didn’t think of it before!

Raven is my spirit animal. Wind my guiding element. It’s no accident this seemingly innocuous scene is unfolding before me.

There are no accidents. No such thing as coincidence. This is an offering, pure and simple.

If I’ve learned nothing else, it’s that life is full of synchronicities—brimming with all manner of omens and signs we choose to ignore. Until we’ve become so accustomed to denying the barrage of miracles occurring all around us, we can no longer recognize them when they unfold right before us.

But not this time. This is exactly the opportunity I’ve sought all along.

I check to make sure the door is completely shut, since the last thin

g I need is for Paloma to come in and find my body lying inert on the floor while my soul journeys alongside a raven’s. Then I turn toward the wind-ruffled bird and focus on him with all of my might. Much like I merged with a cockroach the first time I followed Cade to the vortex—I meld my energy with his until our souls sync as one and our hearts beat in tandem.

As soon as I’m settled, we’re off. Lifting from the branch and soaring high into the sky. Carried by wings as light and fluid as gossamer, we glide across a landscape that unravels like a ribbon beneath us. The experience so glorious, I can hardly believe I allowed so much time to lapse since the last time I did this.

When we reach Chepi’s property, the raven circles in a wide careful arc before landing just outside Dace’s window. The gentle swish of his wing brushing the pane, enough to cause Chepi to look up from her reading with a suspicious gaze. The intensity of her stare so startling, so unexpected, my energy spikes and I nearly lose the connection.

She doesn’t know it’s me, I tell myself in an attempt to rein in my panic. I’m just another raven. It’s not like there’s a shortage of them.

Though clearly it’s a mantra heard only by me. Chepi’s scrutiny continues to deepen. Convinced I’m no random bird. That the scene isn’t nearly as benign as it seems.

The raven grows anxious, starts to scramble about. Tired of playing host, he goes to great effort to evict me by hopping from foot to foot, emitting a low, guttural croak, and thumping his tail feathers hard against the glass. The commotion causing Chepi to frown and Dace to awaken with a gaze that veers straight for me. Intuitively sensing my presence, he directs a subtle nod my way, then says something to Chepi I can’t quite make out. But it’s enough for her to abandon her book and exit the room, as Dace bolts from his bed.

Crossing the room in just a few steps, he shoves the window open and offers his hand. While the raven’s most primal instincts prompt him to flee, I’m able to convince him to creep closer, until he’s nudging his head against Dace’s welcoming fingers. And it’s all I can do to contain myself when Dace responds by lowering his lips to the dome of raven’s head. His kiss so intoxicating it reverberates throughout me.

“I knew you’d come,” he whispers. “I knew you’d find a way. Still, I have to say, this is genius. Wish I’d thought of it. I would’ve visited you.”

Despite the fact that ravens are known for their amazing vocal abilities, this particular raven refuses to cooperate, refuses to speak the words I urge it to share. After too many frustrated attempts, I resolve to convey it with a look. Hoping my gratitude, admiration, and love will somehow beam through the raven’s small beady eyes.

Dace runs a finger down the length of raven’s back, whispering, “There’s no reason to worry. I’m getting better and stronger every day.” He continues to stroke the shiny black feathers, causing me to melt under his touch. “It won’t be long now before you and I are together again.” His voice rings with determination. And though he means to reassure, somehow the words bear the opposite effect.

He’s planning something. That much is clear. But whatever it is, I can’t let him go through with it. Can’t let him go after Cade. Can’t let him get to him first.

To do so would be to play right into the prophecy. And that could only end in tragedy.

“Soon, Daire. Soon…” His voice drifts along with his gaze, traveling to some unknown future event that plays out in his head.

In a desperate bid to get through to him, I urge the raven to head for Dace’s shoulder. About to take another crack at whispering into his ear, when Chepi pokes her head into the room and says, “Dace? Why are you up and who are you talking to?”

And that’s all it takes for the raven to flit back to the ledge.

“It’s nothing.” Dace turns away from the window. “I just needed some air. And a little reminder of the world outside this room.”

Tags: Alyson Noel The Soul Seekers Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024