Tainted Kiss (Tainted Knights 1) - Page 30

“You fucking little bitch—”

The doorbell rang, cutting him off as he took another menacing step toward me.

“Aw, too bad.” I smirked up at him and stood. “Later, Sage,” I called over my shoulder, putting them both out of my head.

A thrill rushed through me, and suddenly, I couldn’t wait to see Kale.

Opening the door, I was helpless to hold in my appreciative sigh when I saw him standing in the hall. He had on a pair of dark jeans that I knew wasn’t designer. They hugged his hips like they were made for him. The sleeves of his blue dress shirt were rolled up his forearms, and it was buttoned only halfway up, showing off the tattoos across his chest. His hair was styled in a careless kind of spike, and he had changed his lip ring from a silver one to a black one.

“Hi,” he greeted in a voice that was slightly strangled as his gaze traveled over my body, taking in my black dress and heels. His eyes seemed to worship my body as they lingered on my breasts that were pushed up and showing just a hint of cleavage, thanks to the kickass bra I had spent a small fortune on.

“Hi,” I murmured and stepped through the doorway, closing the door behind me. There was no way in hell I was introducing him to Wade. “You look really good.”

His eyes had dropped to my hips now, and his breath seemed to have frozen in his chest. It took him a few seconds to focus on my words and lift his eyes to meet mine.

“I think that’s my line, doll. Fuck, maybe hanging out at the club isn’t a good idea after all. How the hell am I supposed to keep my hands to myself when you look like that?” He shook his head. “Go change. Put on some sweats or something, and I’ll take you to dinner.”

I laughed. This felt good. So damn good.

“I grabbed something to eat on my way home this evening. Besides, it took me over an hour to get ready. I don’t do that for just anyone, Kale. Don’t make it be in vain.”

He scrubbed a hand over his face. “Fucking hell. I’m gonna get in a fight tonight; I just know I am.” Shaking his head again, he sighed and took my hand, pulling me close to his side as he guided me toward the elevators. “You look amazing, by the way.”

Pleasure shot through me. “Thank you.”


There was a line waiting outside First Bass when we pulled up in front of the club. A valet was already waiting to open my door.

I stepped out, and Kale came around to take my hand, shooting the guy who barely looked eighteen a glare when his gaze lingered on my ass a second too long.

Entwining our fingers, he led me toward the entrance, not even glancing at the line that was growing more and more with each passing minute.

The bouncer gave him a head nod and let us pass without a word being exchanged. I had only ever seen that kind of thing happen in the movies, so it was kind of a kick to witness firsthand.

Inside, the music was so loud I was surprised the walls weren’

t shaking. It was great music, too, the kind that made your hips ache not move, and I loved to dance.

Kale released my hand, but quickly put it at the small of my back as he guided me forward.

Barely a few steps inside, a huge, dark-skinned, beast of a man stepped forward out of a dark alcove. This guy was so huge he scared me for a minute. He was closer to seven feet tall than six, and there were muscles on top of more muscles that rippled under his suit. There was a plastic communication device attached to his ear, and I figured he was the security expert or something. Few people would be willing to cross any lines with the threat of this guy being around.

“Hey, Tiny,” Kale greeted with a grin, holding out his hand toward the big man.

“Kale,” the delicious giant greeted, shaking his hand. Then his eyes went to me. “Ma’am.”

Kale’s hand skimmed down my hip, pulling me into his side. “This is Santana. She’s my girl. Treat her right if she comes in without me.”

Tiny nodded. “You got it. Boss is upstairs with the others. Enjoy your night.” He stepped aside, and it was only then that I saw he was guarding a set of stairs that must lead up to the VIP floor.

With only a little pressure on my hip, Kale urged me forward.

By the time I got to the top of the stairs, I was regretting my shoe choice and already dreading the trip back down.

All thoughts of breaking my neck in my heels left my head as soon as we reached the top, however, and I saw the crowd of VIPs. It was only Wednesday, yet the place was packed with actors, athletes—celebrities of every shape and size. First Bass was the place to see and be seen. As I glanced around, I was sure I even saw a politician or two.

The layout was simple yet classy with the bar to my left that took up almost the entire back wall and was overflowing with people ordering drinks. Leather couches, chairs, and ottomans were spread out, all occupied, while waitresses in white dress shirts and black skirts or dress pants walked around with drinks on their trays. There was a balcony that overlooked the first floor where lights flashed to the beat of the music and people were dancing, but up here, the lighting was more intimate, calmer.

Tags: Terri Anne Browning Tainted Knights Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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