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Tainted Kiss (Tainted Knights 1)

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r is, their spare room doesn’t have its own private bathroom. Mine does.”

“Really, I couldn’t,” Santana began again, but Jenna interrupted her.

“Just think about it. Trust me when I say that toxic people can turn you toxic, too, without you even realizing it until it’s too late.” She brushed her hair from her face, her blue-gray eyes lost in the memories of her past. “Just … think about it, okay? The offer will always be on the table.”

While the others continued to try to convince her to move out of her apartment, I just sat there, only half-listening. My thoughts where on the slimy prick who had put my girl in this situation. Everything she had told me played out in my head as if I’d actually been there to witness it all. The way she had said he’d looked at her, his beady eyes running over her, mentally touching her. The way he had talked about her pussy. My girl’s fucking pussy. Getting in her face …

He could touch her next time.

Hit her.

Hurt her.

And I would have to kill him, because no one touched Santana like that while I was still breathing.

“Where does this guy work?” Harris asked out of the blue, pulling me out of the dark thoughts swirling around in my head. “If he’s like that outside of work, he probably can’t hide it at work.”

“Don’t be so sure. He’s a bartender at some upscale place on Sunset,” Santana informed him with a lift of her shoulders. “He makes pretty good money, I guess, but he mooches off Sage like she’s his personal little piggy bank.”

“Which one?” Caleb asked her before I could open my mouth to do the same.

I was going to pay the fucker a little visit at work.

“The Way.”

“I know that place. I had lunch there last week with my dad,” Lucy commented. “Way over-priced if you ask me, but Daddy enjoyed the steak.”

I glanced over at Gray, who was watching me with Santana. He had been quietly following the conversation, keeping his arm around Kassa to make sure she didn’t get too far away. I saw the look that was simmering in his sand-colored eyes.

I lifted one brow at him in silent question and got a single chin lift in return.

That easily, we had made a decision.

This was why Gray was one of my closest friends. If either of us had a problem, we knew the other would be right behind us, ready to jump in if we needed it. It was the same for Sin. The three of us have been friends since we were little kids. We would always have each other’s backs.

“Is that really the time?” Lucy groaned, climbing off Harris’s lap with reluctance. “I hate to be the party pooper, but I have to get up early. My sister asked me to babysit, and I’ll be there all day.”

Santana stood, and I instantly missed her heat.

Lucy hugged her, whispering something in her ear that had my doll nodding. Then she waved at everyone else.

Harris stood, too, leaving with her since his manager was on duty tonight. Even before they had gotten engaged, he had been turning more and more responsibilities over to his two managers.

“Night, everyone,” Lucy called.

Harris took her hand and led her toward the elevator that would take them straight to his office.

Kin fought back a yawn. “I think we’re going to go, too,” she told us as she unwrapped herself from around Jace. “Ang, are you coming home tonight?”

The little blonde sitting beside Jenna shook her head. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Jace stood and stretched. “I’ll be at Kin’s, Kas. If you need anything—”

“Yeah, yeah.” Kassa grinned up at him. “I know. But I won’t need you. Gray will be around.”

Kin hugged Santana, told her to call her, and then the couple were gone.

Deciding that I’d had enough of my friends for one day, I jumped to my feet and put my hand on Santana’s hip. “That’s our cue, doll. You ready?”

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