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Tainted Kiss (Tainted Knights 1)

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She lifted her head, those brown eyes turning into melted chocolate right before my eyes. My body responded to that look as if I had touched a live wire. Everything inside of me came alive, and it took a will I didn’t know I possessed not to toss her over my shoulder like some cave man and run out of there with her then and there.

“I’m ready,” she murmured in a voice so soft only I could hear her.

My hand contracted on her hip, and I had to force myself to look down at Gray and tell him and Kassa goodnight.

“See you tomorrow.” I nodded at Caleb, smiled at Jenna and Angie, and then we headed for the exit, leaving the club in silence.

Out on the street, I saw the line to get in hadn’t gotten any shorter.

I turned over my slip to the valet who went to fetch my car then pulled Santana around to face me.

“Did you have fun?”

“I had a great time.” She lifted her hands to my chest, her fingers playing with one of the buttons on my shirt. “Your friends are nice.”

I laughed at that. Nice? Gray had been on his best behavior because Kassa had been right there to make sure he stayed in line, and Sin hadn’t shown up, so yeah, I guess she would think they were nice.

“Some of them, at least. But they were nice to you, so that’s all that matters.” I pressed my lips to her forehead, hugging her against me. “Do you have a shoot in the morning?”

She nodded. “But it’s not until eleven, and I should be done by two.”

I tipped my head back to look down at her. “I really want you to come home with me tonight.” Her eyes seemed to sharpen, but I continued before she could speak. “Nothing has to happen. I just want you to stay with me; sleep in my arms again. And I want to know that you’re safe. I don’t like the thought of you at that apartment when that douchebag could be there. I know it’s your place, but … if you went home tonight, I wouldn’t be able to sleep.”

“Kale …”

She was going to say no. I couldn’t let her say no.

“Please, doll?” I touched my lips to the tip of her nose, trying to use my most charming tone.

“I want to go home with you,” she whispered. “But … I really, really want something to happen.”

Everything inside of me went completely still. The air froze in my lungs, my heart stopped beating, and I was pretty sure my brain had just short-circuited. Then, when what she’d said hit me, the air left me in a whoosh, and my heart took off like it was a horse about to win the Kentucky Derby.

My brain still couldn’t process anything, but it was another head altogether that took over. My dick thickened and pulsed hard against her stomach, making her gasp.

I lowered my head, capturing her lips in a hungry kiss that didn’t even begin to show her how much I wanted her. How desperate I was for my little doll.

Her hands tightened in my shirt, her nails biting through the fabric and into my skin as she opened her mouth and kissed me back. I tried—really, really tried—to keep my hands from roaming all over her sweet, little body, but it was impossible. She felt so good, tasted so damn good, and my hands wanted to explore every inch I could reach.

Behind me, I heard a few cat calls, and then a car honked, right beside us.

I lifted my head slowly, savoring her taste on my tongue as I met her dark gaze. With the street lights glowing around us, I saw that her eyes were a rich chocolate, the heat in them making them melt right before my eyes.


My head shot up at hearing my name and, too late, I remembered the paps that always seemed to be camped out across the street from the club.

Those vultures were there from the minute First Bass opened each night until the doors were locked. In the beginning, when me and the guys had first caught their attention, we had all gotten a little bit of a big head, but seeing their shit in the trash mags about us had gotten old quick. I didn’t want to pull Santana into that, but if I was going to be with her, I knew it would be impossible.

Biting back my irritation, I did the one thing Emmie had told me to always do. I smiled and waved.


The valet was standing beside my car, the passenger door already opened for Santana. I helped her inside, tipped the valet, and then climbed behind the wheel. Once I was seated, I reached for her hand, kissed the back of it, and set it on my thigh before shifting gears and pulling away.

Santana stayed quiet on the other side of the car. I shot her a glance from time to time during the drive to my place. She was nibbling on her lip, but the look on her beautiful face was hungry. The hand on my thigh rubbed little circles on my jeans, yet I felt it as if I was wearing nothing. My dick flexed, and even though I was wearing boxers, I felt every ridge of the metal from my zipper cutting into it.

By the time we got to my apartment, I was so worked up I didn’t think I could take things slow with her. And as I unlocked my door, slow didn’t seem to be something she wanted.

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