Tainted Bastard (Tainted Knights 4) - Page 9

The next few songs were, thankfully, less sexual, and my body had the chance to cool down somewhat. Gray and Kale joined Cash and me at the balustrade for a few more songs. By the time Jace and Kin showed up, there was only time for one more song.

If I’d been turned on by “Get Lucky,” it was nothing compared to how worked up I got with that final song. It wasn’t one I’d ever heard before, couldn’t place what band they were covering, but fuck, it was the most sexual song I’d ever heard. The lyrics were putting mental pictures in my head of Roanna doing exactly as she was promising with each word that left her luscious lips, making my cock ache like it never had before.

Sweat dripped down my back, and I shifted from one foot to the other, trying in vain to find a position that didn’t

make my cock attempt to burst through my zipper and cripple me for life.

The song wasn’t even over before I was on my way downstairs, headed for the green room to meet the band as soon as their set was over. A few people in the crowd recognized me as I navigated the masses and tried to talk to me. I brushed them off, in too much of a frenzy to get to Roanna to give a shit about anyone or anything.

Two members of the security team stood outside the green room doors, a measure Harris added after a few fans tried to get back to see the band several weeks before. They recognized me and lifted their chins in acknowledgment, one of them opening the door for me.

The room was vacant, which I knew it would be. I paced, waiting impatiently for them to get offstage. The room was a mess, but it was an organized kind of chaos, with clothes and makeup tossed on various flat surfaces and gym bags scattered on the floor. I recognized Roanna’s as the one she’d been sorting through one Thursday night when I’d come back to hang out with the band after one of their shows a few weeks before.

It was a cute glittery pink-and-black bag from Victoria’s Secret. Jeans and a tank top were sticking out of the half-zipped bag, along with what looked like her bra and panties.

“Fuck,” I groaned, stabbing my fingers through my hair in an attempt to keep myself from picking up her underwear and turning into a total skeeze.

She had to go out with me tonight. I couldn’t handle not having the chance to touch her any longer. I needed to hear her voice as I sucked her nipples, and again while my tongue was deep between her killer legs. If I didn’t have her soon, I was going to implode with the need that was clawing at my insides.

Several more minutes passed, and I knew they should have come back already. Unable to wait another minute to see Roanna, I went back out to see what was taking them so long.

The two security guys were gone when I opened the door, and it took me a second to realize the noise that was suddenly assaulting my ears was coming from the direction of the stage. I took off running, knowing something must have happened to one of the Blondes. The clenching in my gut told me an overzealous fan must have gotten up onstage.

It was pure chaos out on the main floor. Half a dozen of the security team were pushing people back from the stage, while Tiny, the huge motherfucker who was head of security, protectively kept the Blondes behind him.

Everyone who was in the front row earlier was now trying to storm the stage, the majority of them male. I chanced a look at the railing on the second floor and saw the shock on my friends’ faces. Gray caught my gaze and mouthed “holy fuck.”

In the entire year we worked there on Thursday nights, the craziest things had gotten was when Kin’s slutty stepsister jumped up onstage, taking Jace by surprise with a kiss. But we were five huge guys who could take care of ourselves. The Blondes were tiny little things, even if a few of them were taller than average. With all these horny motherfuckers desperate to get close to them—especially to get to Roanna—a few bulky men in security gear weren’t going to stand in their way.

Roanna screamed as a drunk guy charged at the stage, breaking through two of the guys and heading straight for them. Seeing the panic on her face, the glitter of fear in her eyes, I lost it.

I shoved people out of my way, sometimes physically lifting them and moving them so I could get through. I reached the guy just as he was about to confront Tiny, who had already moved to protect Roanna. It appeared three of the Blondes were closing ranks around her as well.

I caught the guy around the chest from behind and then slammed him facedown into the stage, making the wood beneath us protest from the force of it. The guy rolled, trying to break free, but he was drunk and sloppy. I’d only had a single beer and was pissed as fuck. My fist smashed into his face. The pussy had a glass jaw and was out cold with the first punch, but I hit him a second and third time just for scaring Roanna.

Standing, I moved to give Tiny some backup as the rest of security pushed their way to the front of the stage and started ushering people out of the club. The huge man shook my hand in appreciation, but my focus was solely on the shaking chick in the middle of her bandmates.

“Ro, it’s okay. You’re safe now,” Aubree was assuring her. “We’ll get out of here as soon as we can, babe. Just keep taking deep breaths so you don’t pass out.”

I pushed between the Blondes so I could get to Roanna. She was pale as a ghost, and her legs were shaking so badly it was only a matter of time before her knees buckled. I swung her up into my arms and headed off to the side of the stage that was finally clear.

“P-Put m-m-me down. P-P-Please!”

I tucked her closer. “I’m not going to hurt you, sweet girl,” I vowed close to her ear. “Just trying to get you out of this craziness so you can breathe again.”

She didn’t argue, but her fingers fisted in my shirt as I used my shoulders to make a path for us. As we finally entered the green room, the other Blondes rushed in behind us.

“Sit her on the couch,” Aubree ordered, grabbing a bottle of water. There was a small shelf with towels, and she took one, soaking it with the cold water before putting it on the back of Roanna’s neck as soon as I placed her on the couch.

Roanna still had a death grip on my shirt, so I crouched down beside her, not wanting to leave her any more than she seemed not to want to release me. The shaking had transferred to the rest of her body, and now her teeth were starting to chatter.

“London, get your chocolate,” Aubree called out.

London was already pulling a chocolate bar out of her gym bag. “Got it!” She unwrapped one end and broke off a piece, putting it in Roanna’s mouth.

“Gen, you got any of those travel bottles of tequila left?” A tiny bottle of Patrón was produced. Unscrewing it, Aubree tipped it up to Roanna’s lips. “Take a few sips, Ro. It’s gonna make you feel better, baby.”

Roanna turned her head away, clinging tighter to my shirt. Her nails were biting so hard into it, they pierced the material and scraped over my chest as she fought the liquor her friend was trying to force on her.

Tags: Terri Anne Browning Tainted Knights Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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