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Tainted Forever (Tainted Knights 5)

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And I fucking needed her.

Hearing the doorbell, I waited for someone to answer it, but less than a minute later, it went off again.

“Kas!” I called out as I opened my bedroom door. “Get the door.”

“She’s not here,” Gray said as he came out of their room, his hair still damp from his own shower but dressed in jeans and a black button-up, and headed for the door.

My brows lifted. My sister wasn’t home, yet Gray was? I didn’t know where the hell she was, but it wasn’t usual for Gray to let my sister out of the apartment without him. He was so overprotective, it bordered on unhealthy, but I was glad she was with someone who loved her that much. It had taken me a while to accept it, but I knew no one would ever take care of my sister as well as Gray did.

Seconds later, I heard him opening the front door. “You ready?” Sin’s voice growled impatiently. “They’ve been at the club for an hour. That’s long enough.”

“Chill out,” Kale told him with a chuckle. “Angie is with them and so are the rest of the Blondes. They’re fine.”

“Give me five, and I’ll be ready,” Gray told them. “And yeah, man, you need to relax. Lucy has Marcus with them. He will watch out for the girls until we get there.”

“How is he so calm?” Sin’s voice rumbled as Gray came down the hall again. “Isn’t he the one who usually has to be restrained when Kassa leaves his side for five seconds?”

“Pretty sure your caveman ass has shown him he needs to calm down and let her have a little space every now and then,” Kale responded.

“Where is Kassa?” I asked Gray as he opened the door to the bedroom he shared with my sister.

He shrugged. “Out with the girls.”

My muscles tightened. “Kin with them?”

“I’m assuming since it’s a welcome home girls’ night out,” he informed me from inside his room. “We’re heading out to meet up with

them. Sin can’t seem to go ten minutes without being up Roanna’s ass.”

“Says the man who can’t seem to breathe without Kassa by his side,” I reminded him.

His shoulders lifted in another careless shrug. “Better to keep my girl close and safe than let her think I don’t love her enough, and her running off on me.”

My stomach knotted at his direct hit, my hands fisting at my sides. But no matter how badly I wanted to deny it, the truth was, he was right. “Where?” I gritted out.

“You don’t need to know,” he called over his shoulder as he came out of the bedroom with his keys and wallet. “I tell you, you show up, Kassa gets pissed at me, and then my life turns to shit until I can find a way to make her forgive me. Not happening. Later, fucker.”

I slammed my door and collapsed down onto my bed so I didn’t punch the damn thing in frustration. Dropping my head into my hands, I curled my fingers in my hair, pulling on the damp locks. When Kin left me, it was like Kassa turned against me. We didn’t talk much anymore, and I didn’t know if it was because I’d kept Eden a secret from her or because of what happened with Kin. Kassa wouldn’t even stay in a room long enough for me to even fucking ask.

Exhaling long and hard, I grabbed my phone as I fell back on my bed. Seconds later, Harris picked up. “I’ll text you the address,” he said in greeting.


“That’s why you called, right? Lucy is out with Kin and the girls. She said I could tell you, but only if you asked. Check on my wife while you’re at it, too, would ya? She should be home resting.”

I was already on my feet, moving toward the closet. “Yeah, anything, man. Thanks.”

“You screwed up, but that doesn’t mean you don’t love her. I’ll help you all I can, bro. You had my back when everything went to hell with Lucy and me. I’ve got yours now.” A text came in even as he was talking, and I glanced down to see the name of a club. “Also, Lu wanted me to remind you to be at the house at noon on Sunday for the baby shower.”

I paused in the process of pulling out a shirt from my closet. “I still don’t know why you want me at a freaking baby shower. I thought that was a chick thing.”

“It’s a couples thing too,” Harris informed me. “And Kin will be there. Also, you’re going to be Hayat’s godfather, so you need to be at all the events. That includes the baby shower.”

“Right. I’ll be there.” I pulled my shirt over my head before putting the phone back to my ear. “Don’t know what kind of gift I’ll bring because no one is willing to help me figure that shit out, but I’ll be there.”

“Call Nat. She’s got all the links to the baby registry Lucy signed up for. Pick something off there. Problem solved. Now get your ass over to the club and check on my pregnant wife so I can get some work done instead of having to sit in this damn office worrying about her.”

Thirty minutes later, I walked into the club after having to tip the bouncer at the door a hundred dollars. There was a line long enough to equal the normal crowd at First Bass outside the building, and the guy didn’t instantly recognize me as the front man of Tainted Knights, but the five girls waiting to get in next did, screaming my name and jumping up and down in excitement. Before Kin left me, that kind of thing would bring a smile to my face. Now, it just annoyed the hell out of me.

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