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Tainted Forever (Tainted Knights 5)

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Inside, I moved through the crowd, determined to find Kin and talk this out.

Upstairs, I spotted the Blondes out on the dance floor. Sin was right in the middle, letting the four of them move around him, but his eyes were solely on Roanna. A little bit away from them were Kale and Santana, along with my sister and Gray, all of them dancing and laughing.

I bypassed them, not wanting to hear my sister bitching. I wasn’t there for any reason other than to check on Lucy and talk to Kin.

Spotting a roped-off area, I noticed Marcus standing with three guys who looked like the club’s security. Figuring that was where I would find Lucy at least, I headed in that direction. The closer I got, the more I could see of their group. Jenna and Angie were off to one side of the overstuffed round sectional. Amara and Lucy were sitting beside them, drinking bottles of water.

My gaze barely scanned over them, searching for Kin. When my eyes landed on the redhead sitting at one end all by herself, her eyes glued to something happening at the bar to my left, I felt myself begin to relax for the first time since leaving her at the studio earlier that day.

She looked good with her hair down over her shoulders, dressed in a black skirt that thankfully fell to midthigh even though she was sitting and a silky dark green top that ended halfway down her torso, showcasing her flat stomach. She wore ballet flats on her feet that were crossed over each other as she leaned back, sipping a beer.

I moved up to the group, giving Marcus a chin lift in greeting before leaning between him and one of the club’s security to speak to Lucy. She smiled up at me when I touched her shoulder. “You good?” I asked, my gaze going to her stomach under her maternity dress.

Her hand rubbed over her belly. “We’re good.”

“Text your husband and reassure him of that,” I told her with a smile. “Daddy is having separation anxiety, it seems.”

I glanced down at Amara, unable to remember the last time I’d seen her, and was surprised when I saw that she had her own baby bump. “Cash know you’re knocked up?”

She snorted water out her nose. Coughing, she laughed up at me. “Pretty sure,” she choked out.

“That why you haven’t been around lately?” I asked, nodding down at her stomach.

“No, I was gone for work. I’m Kin’s manager.”

I leaned in closer, glancing at Kin for a second and noticing she was still too enthralled with whatever she was watching happen at the bar to realize I was even there, before looking back down at the two pregnant chicks. “You’ve been with Kin the last few months?”


“Where?” I wanted—fucking needed to know—in case Kin ran off again. If she disappeared, I would know where to find her.

She rolled her eyes. “That’s none of your business.”

“Hey, douchebag.” Angie’s sharp voice hit me like a blast from the left. Reluctantly, I looked over at her where she was cuddled up against Jenna. My eyes widened seeing them together like that. It wasn’t that I didn’t know Angie was a lesbian, but she’d never really openly shown the world she was either. Obviously, I’d missed something. “What are you doing here? I don’t remember you being invited.”

“Ang.” Jenna tried to shush her. “This isn’t our business.”

“The hell, it isn’t. I told him what would happen if he broke her heart again.” Angie started to get to her feet, but Jenna pulled her back down and lowered her head. When the little blonde started to yell at her, the beautiful brunette swallowed it with a kiss.

Angie immediately melted into her girlfriend, but my eyes were drawn back to Kin. She hadn’t even glanced away from the bar during the whole exchange, making me wonder what the hell held her attention so thoroughly.

Following her line of vision, I straightened when my eyes landed on her father. He stood at the bar, some chick with dark hair who looked vaguely familiar cuddled up against him, while she spoke animatedly to a guy in front of them. I couldn’t tell who the guy was and instantly dismissed him, but even from this distance, I could tell the chick wasn’t Kin’s stepmother. Had Kin had a run-in with her father and the woman who was so obviously Jillian’s replacement?

Concerned, I walked around the sectional and sat down beside her.

“I’m not thirsty,” she grumbled, not even looking at me.

“Me either,” I told her and felt her stiffen. “I could eat, though. Let’s go grab a burger.”

Blue eyes jerked away from the people at the bar, filling with ice as she glared at me. “Go away, Jace.”

I leaned back, draping my arm along the curve of the sectional. “I just got here, babe.”

“I don’t want you here,” she bit out.

“Did you run into your dad?” I asked, ignoring the way she was shooting daggers at me with her eyes. I touched her cheek, but she flinched and pulled her head back. “Did he do something to upset you?”

“Why? Are you going to go rearrange his face if he did?” She rolled her eyes skeptically and scooted over a few inches, putting space between us.

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