Loving Violet (Rockers' Legacy Book 4) - Page 78

Remington grinned. “Giving up the company doesn’t mean I’m giving up the money. Or the estates. We can travel the world, live on any continent you want. You want to be closer to your parents, we’ll live in the Santa Monica house. You mentioned several times over the years how much you like going with Shaw to West Bridge, Tennessee. I’ll buy you a house there. I have a brownstone in New York. A house in Tokyo. A villa in—”

Laughing, I lifted my hands to stop him. “Okay, I get it. The sky’s the limit.”

“Not even the sky is the limit for you.” He grasped my hips and lifted me onto his lap. When my sheet fell, I squealed and quickly covered my nakedness. Not because I was embarrassed about Remington looking at me, but because Krush was right there. Laughing, he helped me rearrange the sheet, then grasped the back of my head and pulled me in for a deep kiss.

I could feel exactly how much he wanted me as he pulsed against my core through his sweats. I squirmed against him, wanting a repeat of the night before. I was a little sore but not enough to stop us from making love again.

But when I reached between us to wrap my fingers around him, he caught my wrist, stopping me. “Say you’ll stay with me,” he pleaded. “Be with me for the rest of my forever and let me show you the world. Let me give you everything I am, Violet. Let me love you until I take my last breath and show you what living in the moment is all about.”

My breath caught, and I couldn’t see anything past the beauty of his eyes. “O-okay,” I whispered. “I’ll stay with you.”

Chapter 34


My parents weren’t thrilled when I told them I was dropping out of college to travel around the world with a guy they’d technically never met before. But when I told them Remington made me happier than I could ever remember being, they calmed down pretty quickly.

We flew home for a few days so Mom and Dad could meet him and get to know him a little. It was Remington’s idea, because if I’d been given a choice, I would have voted for a week in the French Alps away from everyone rather than taking my new boyfriend home to be grilled by my overprotective father.

To my surprise, Dad welcomed Remington without much fuss. Or maybe it was because he saw just how happy I really was with Remington, something I hadn’t been in years, that kept him from making too much trouble for us. Mom loved him, though, and Mason even seemed to like him. Although my little brother grumbled about Luca, I shut him up quickly.

I didn’t want to hear about my ex. We were over. He’d moved on a while ago, and now I had as well. I was happy, falling in love, and no one was going to stand in our way.

Once Mom and Dad were satisfied that I was happy and Remington would keep me safe, we flew to Tokyo because Remington said that was one of his favorite places, and I’d only ever been there once. He showed me all the reasons why he loved Japan so much, and I found myself falling for the country and even deeper for the man.

But it seemed like we were only there a minute before Lyric was texting me about his wedding.

“You’re kidding me,” I muttered to myself as I glared at my phone.

“What?” Remington asked sleepily. We were taking a nap on the couch with Krush on the floor in front of us. I’d been dozing off and on all day with him, but when Lyric texted me, I’d readily reached for my phone.

“Remember I told you I promised Lyric I would go to his wedding?”


I dropped a kiss on his lips and then lifted my head enough so I could look down at him with what I hoped were big, pleading eyes. “It’s this Saturday.”

He snorted out a laugh. “Didn’t they just decide to get married last week?”

“Something like that.” I batted my lashes at him. “Please, take me to my friend’s wedding?”

His brows rose. “You want me to go with you?”

“Of course I do.” I frowned down at him like he’d lost his mind. “Why wouldn’t I?”

“Because you are close to Lyric, and his brother is your ex,” he said with a shrug, the action making me shift on him. “I figured you would want to go alone so there was no drama.”

I grimaced. “I hadn’t really thought about drama. I mean, it’s been years, Remi. We are grown-ups now, and we both love Lyric. We can be civil to each other for a few hours for this wedding.” I snuggled into him, wrapping my arms around his lean waist and pressing my ear to his heart. I loved the sound of it beating under my ear. It was so soothing that it put me to sleep quicker than any lullaby ever could have.

When he was quiet for so long, I lifted my head again. “Do you not want to go with me?” I asked, feeling hurt for some reason.

“No, Violet. I want to go with you. Fuck, I never want to be away from you. Not even for a minute. Sometimes I’m scared I’m going to suffocate you because all I want is to be beside you, soaking up the sunshine I feel every time you so much as smile at me. I just want you to be happy.” He stroked his fingers through my hair, his jaw clenching and unclenching as he stared at the ceiling, deep in thought.

“I’m happiest when you’re beside me,” I whispered. “I love you, Remi.”

Suddenly, I was on my back, and he was the one leaning over me. He moved so fast, Krush growled, but when Remington told him to hush, he rolled over and went back to sleep.

“Say it again,” he commanded, his eyes begging me.

Tags: Terri Anne Browning Rockers' Legacy Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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